In the Forest

Here’s a story from Ove-Kenneth Nilsen, of Norway.


I was walking from my school where I studied to be a film editor. The school in Norway with the editing studio is located in the forest, and to get there I had to take a bus. I had been working on my first short film one night and was walking to catch the last bus home. The road leading from the school to the main road had street lights, but the forest was pitch black and it was the middle of winter.

Suddenly I heard a loud cracking sound coming from the woods just as I passed. My heart stopped as something came crashing towards me. A large tree fell down in my path. I eventually got on my bus, and opened the novel I was reading.

The first thing I read was, “If a tree falls down in the woods and no one is around to hear it – does it make a sound?” Well:This tree made a lot of sound… and this is just one of many synchronistic events in my life.

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9 Responses to In the Forest

  1. simon on tequila says:

    ???? though is one hand claping what????? other wise incomplete sentence "NO"??????
    or the answer would be air vibrations or maybe "waste of time"

  2. simon says:

    like to tell you the story of this afternoons beverages, but I think you just fish for material Rob…… total DRAG……

  3. simon says:

    that all right Rob,,,,,,reputations are reputations…..

  4. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    I like this koan even more: "What is your original face before you were born?" It's less about faces and more about causality, free will, teleology, (in)dependence, nothingness…

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The ultimate Zen koan: what in the sound of one hand clapping?

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Then I'll 'logic it out' for you, Simon.

    If it's only the trees, the sound waves won't register. But if there's a bird or a squirrel around, there is sound.

    Ah, but what about the spirits of the forest? Do they hear the tree falling? To that end, if Nobody is there, he/she must be deaf, not to hear the falling tree. 😉

  7. "Richard Feyman" wanta be says:

    if a tree falls in the forest and there's nobody there to hear it does it make a sound, well I say NO it does not, and I can logic it out real good in 2 ways… Problem is I am a guy who get's laughed at…..
    universe 13.7 billion.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow, i wasn't expecting a tree to come falling down! but something more sinister from the forest! however, a tree crashing to the ground in one's path is pretty sinister! very neat story!

  9. Nancy says:

    That is definitely a sychronicity. Glad the tree didn't fall on him!

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