Shroud of Turin/Shroud of Heaven

Author Sean Ellis has a new novel out called Shroud of Heaven, and now he notes that a Vatican scientist has released a new study about the Shroud of Turin.

Sean is hoping for a little spin-off publicity for his book, but points out that his Shroud has nothing to do with the famous one. Hm, it’s not much of a synchroncity, either, Sean! But here’s a little publicity. -Rob

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3 Responses to Shroud of Turin/Shroud of Heaven

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    No problem. I was going to mention it yesterday, but got tangled up in re-writes for this book.

  2. Sean Ellis says:

    Here's some synchronicity for you. Nov 21 has always been a significant date for me, marking life-changing transitions. This year, 11/21 came an went without anything profound happening…at leat that's what I thought until now. Thanks for the mention! ~ Sean

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