
In the 2016 campaign, there was a point where the head of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, manipulated media in subtle – and sometimes not so subtle – ways to favor Hilary Clinton. During one of the debates, Clinton was shown the questions ahead of time. Stuff like that. Now, in 2020, the same thing is happening again.

Even though Bernie leads in most of these polls, the media pundits – including “liberal” MSNBC, are having fun trashing Bernie. “He only has 25 percent,” one of these pundits commented. Well, yeah, but that’s way over what any other candidate has.

Or, this one: “Democrats don’t want a socialist. We need someone more moderate.”

Or. how about this one from Pete Buttigieg? “We’ve got to wake up as a party. Most Americans don’t see where they fit if they’ve got to choose between a socialist who thinks that capitalism is the root of all evil and a billionaire who thinks money ought to be the root of all power.”


A moderate isn’t going to beat trump – not Biden, not Buttigieg, not Klobachar. This country needs radical change and Bernie and Liz Warren have those radical ideas.

So let’s start with Medicare for all. Bernie’s argument is that health care should be a human right, not a for profit business.The main argument I’ve heard against it – from Liz, Buttigieg, Klobachar – is that 160 million Americans LOVE THEIR INSURANCE and shouldn’t be forced to drop it. When I first heard this argument, I exploded with laughter. C’mon. Who are these Americans who LOVE their insurance? Well, supposedly the culinary union in Nevada does. They have 60,000 members. Fine. But who else? 60,000 is way short of 160 MILLION. You? You? Or maybe you?

Socialism, the weaponized word the republicans toss around like they know what it means, is not communism. Social Security is not socialism – we pay into it over the course of our lives, just as we pay into Medicare. This country already has socialism – for the wealthy. It’s why Jeff Bezos, the richest dude on the planet, and Amazon don’t pay anything in taxes. It’s why oil and gas companies get government subsidies. Socialism for the wealthy is now the norm.

So I looked at Bernie’s chart on the night of super Tuesday, March 3, and on election night, November 3, and realized that on both nights, Mercury – the planet of communication that rules voting- will be retrograde. There’s a post coming up soon on how the 2020 election may be a repeat of the one in 2000, when Mercury was turning direct. Hanging chads, recounts, and then the supreme court. The fact that Mercury is also retro on super Tuesday is a kind of mirror of where the democratic party is in 2020.

We have the mainstream dems who want a moderate…you know, the status quo with some minimal changes – and then you have the dem Millennials who, by most reports, are avid Bernie supporters. And with good reason.

They’re inheriting the mess their Boomer parents have left them. Many of them have outrageous student debt with interest rates that rise annually, can’t afford health insurance, and may never own a home because of that student debt. Climate change is real to them. Those kids born around the turn of the millennium – like the Parkland survivors – are a group unto themselves, many of them activists who live on social media, activists who demand change.

I could go on. But here’s the irony. Bernie, who will be 79 on September 8, has the visionary ideas for these younger adults who will inherit the future. And for Boomers who in the 60s called themselves hippies, anti-war protesters, anti-establishment everything, and are now Republicans, Bernie is your worst nightmare. He’s the reminder of what you once rebelled against when you marched for Civil Rights and protested the war in Vietnam. He’s the reminder of what you aspired to – and failed to achieve.

The DNC will fight him all the way. The republicans will dump on him and tear him apart. But that precise Virgo mind of his will prevail, he won’t ever backtrack on what he believes, and he definitely won’t do it for expedience. Around the time of the election, he has some beautiful aspects to his chart that leave me hopeful in spite of Mercury’s tricks.

Liz’s chart is next.

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14 Responses to Bernie

  1. Iysa says:

    I wish the Democratic candidates would stop bashing one another. It does more harm than good, long term. They can’t all carry the nomination. Regardless of who prevails in the primary, Democrats support the opposition when they attack each other. Bernie will make a powerful showing. He already has a legacy. His solar return for 2020-21 is in itself food for thought. I set it for Washington, assuming he would be there. I looked at the transits for November 3.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I think he has a good chance, too. But the election is going to be a mess.. Look back to 2000 election- mercury was about to turn direct. Same thing this time. I’ll take a look at his solar return. Thanks!

      • Iysa says:

        All readings are subjective. Some seem to have more clarity than others.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          I figure all readings are subjective to a point, but it also depends on the person you’re reading for. I’ve read for a lot of people who live out different facets of their chart

    • Trish and Rob says:

      PS I know what you mean about the dems bashing each other

  2. Debra Page says:

    Thanks Trish. I am working on the Bernie campaign, one person at a time.
    “We the people” need to understand the Constitution, our rights,and why we we need to have our voice heard. The corruption on both sides is out of control. I am worried for the future of this nation ( that my husband , brother- in- law, and father in-law all served). I am worried about this planet. The ignorance that is spreading like a disease is dismaying.

  3. macenzie says:

    The boomers who grew up in the 60s and called themselves hippies grew up and realized that the world is more complicated than they thought it was back then. To quote Winston Churchill: “Any man under 30 who isn’t a liberal has no heart; any man over 30 who isn’t a conservative has no brain.”

    And yes, of course the Democratic party is screwing Bernie, just like they did in 2016. Your party is just as corrupt as the one you think is your arch-enemy. Both parties are a cesspool of corruption and power-grabbing, it’s just a matter of which party manages to grab enough power to keep it and wield it. That’s why draining the swamp is so important. You think Bernie has what it takes to drain it? Or will he get sucked down into the muck and devoured by the swamp creatures?

    Look, I’m not much of a Trump fan either. Bernie is way too far left for my taste, but at least he’s more of an outsider than the rest of them. One way or another we need to take our country back, and I just don’t think Bernie has the stones (or the message, tbh) to do it. Trump is not your enemy. The system is. The parties are. Both of them.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I am one of those boomers.
      Trump was never my enemy. I just think he’s a despicable human being and an awful president. The two-party system, the electoral college, super delegates…all this needs to be changed in order to take the country back. Bernie’s message resonates it’s radical enough to initiate a paradigm shift in politics. I like Liz Warren, too. The rest of them are too moderate, too middle of the road.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Trump is a dangerous asshole, Mackenzie, with longings for autocratic rule. Wake up, dude. And, btw, what we said back in the day was: Never trust anyone over thirty.

  4. Adele says:

    I agree with DJan. The entire situation is depressing. I am even more depressed about all the people who want Trump than Trump himself who is just one person.

  5. DJan says:

    I’m glad you are doing this, Trish. I support any candidate who will get that awful man out of office. But I am not optimistic, with all the dirty tricks being played right now.

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