Psychic detective speaks

Yesterday, we posted about psychometry or psychic touch – which Carl Jung considered an aspect of synchronicity, like telepathy and precognition. We mentioned a psychometrist, Noreen Renier, who years ago was one the subjects of a book on psychic archaeology. She saw our post, probably through the help of that clever psychic computer called Google Alerts, and wrote us.

Subsequently, Ray Getzinger asked in a comment what a psychometrist sees when holding an object. So we asked Noreen and here’s her answer. The part about role-playing – the murderer or the victim – is interesting.

“As a psychometrist who works with both law enforcement officers and private individuals, it would depend on my clients needs how I use my mind.  On homicide cases, the detectives usually send me an object off the victim or something the murderer left behind.  They need specific information; what the person looked like that committed the crimes, where he lives, why, etc.  I definitely can tune into the individual and become the murder as well as the victim and sometimes its just me watching and sharing with the detectives what I see.

 Private clients want me to see into the future so its a different part of my mind I would be using.  For more information about how I work, please read my book, A Mind for Murder, or go to my website. Every psychic works different and developing your own style is important.
Noreen’s book cover looks a lot like one of my covers. There’s a synchronicity!

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8 Responses to Psychic detective speaks

  1. Ray says:

    The book A MIND FOR MURDER is on my wish list.


  2. Vanessa says:

    I love that this kind of thing is possible—that criminals who think they've covered every track can't obscure the collective unconscious. Big love for people who have and develop this gift for good purposes.

  3. Nancy says:

    Very interesting. I think this would be extremely hard to do. Kudos to those individuals willing to take it on. I would imagine it would be pretty scary stuff.

    Fascinating book cover, Rob.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's so interesting how different psychometrists work! Thanks for all the info, people. & thanks to Ray for asking the question!

  5. Natalie says:

    AWESOME!!!!!Thanks guys, off to have a look.

    BTW, I 'see' a movie slideshow when doing psychometry. I also hear messages,as the slide show is happening.It is very colourful and clear. I also 'feel' the clients emotions.
    I have always wanted to be a psychic detective…ever since childhood. But, truly, I am a sook.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lyn – fascinating. Like Gypsy, I've always been inriguied by psychometry.
    – Trish

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've always always been interested in the use of psychic abilities in solving crimes which makes these posts that much more fascinating to me! thanks for always having another facet to add to the psychic picture!

  8. Lyn says:

    Indeed, every psychic reads differently. When I was being evaluated by Hans Holzer for psychometry, I just started talking, which is what I do for readings. I don't "see", I seem to channel. I held a letter in an envelope, and described the content of the letter. Much surprise, to me also! Always happy to see what exists in this world…

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