Can Coincidence Change the Course of Your Life

A recent article in The Times of India tackles a central question to synchronicity: can a coincidence change the course of your life? “Survivors of the 26/11 terror attacks have discovered it is so.”

The attacks referred to are those that took place in the heart of Mumbai India’s commercial district in November 2008. Machine gun fire and grenade assaults on  two five-star hotels, the city’s largest train station, a Jewish center, a movie theater and a hospital, killed nearly 200 and wounded more than 300. The Taj Mahal Palace & Tower Hotel and the luxurious Oberoi Hotel were in flames, with hostages taken in the Oberoi.

An artist whose exhibition was located near the Oberoi believes that coincidences saved her life that night. “My exhibition ended 45 minutes before the attack, and some friends from abroad wanted to go to the Oberoi.” Instead, they went to a bar in another area.

A British TV actor, Joey Jeefun, who is most famous for playing the role of a terrorist bomber, was a Leopold Cafe when the attacks started. “I was covered in other people’s blood. They thought I was dead.”

The England cricket team was supposed to check into the Taj the day before the attacks, but the 25-member troupe had a last minute change in schedule, which probably saved their lives.

Deepak Chopra, referred to in the article as a spiritual guru, believes “there is no such thing as a meaningless coincidence.”

The article can be found here.
Synchronicity, once again! The escape of the cricket team is similar to a post we put up a while back about a church choir that escaped death.

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6 Responses to Can Coincidence Change the Course of Your Life

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, Amara. Your article on manifestation is terrific. Synchronistically, it appeared in our Google alert just as I was writing a section on manifestation!

    – Trish

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, absolutely, it can! as case after case such as these illustrate – really fascinating hearing these stories from this terrorist attack in india – and having experienced it myself, there's no convincing me otherwise – great post – loved the stories!

  3. Amara Rose says:

    Wow, you guys are prolific! Thanks for your comment on my post on synchronicity.

    Everyone can read the full article, How to Become a Magnificent Manifester, here:
    And please comment back!
    Blessings ∞

  4. Adele Aldridge says:

    I love that picture you have here.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Right, as Deepak Chopra says: "There's no such thing as meaningless coincidence."

  6. Shadow says:

    i don't believe in coincidence… i believe that there's a plan behind everything.

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