A Win for…?


Last election season, I was interviewed on a radio show (can’t recall which one), for an astrology book I’d written, The Biggest Book of Horoscopes Ever, that covered the years 2017-2019. I had done charts for both Clinton and trump and saw that trump would be entering a Jupiter return year. This happens about every 12 years – 11.6 – and it’s usually a prosperous and happy time. Clinton didn’t have anything that lucky going on in her chart. I felt that trump, based just on that approaching Jupiter return, would win, just as Obama did and just as Bush did in his second term.

But when I was asked to make a prediction about the election, I went against my own research and called it for Clinton. She won the popular vote, but trump nabbed the electoral college and the presidency. What’s interesting about predictions for that election is that not a single astrologer called it correctly. But a documentary filmmaker did – Michael Moore.

Astrologers use different criteria for making predictions like this. Alex Miller is a master of asteroid astrology. Susan Miller (no relation, at least not that I know of) uses transits, the daily motion of the planets. I use Jupiter. It governs luck, prosperity, abundance, government, the judicial system, courts, foreign governments, people, cultures , and foreign travels. When it conjuncts one of the planets in your chart – same sign, close degree – it’s power is significant. I also base this on the meaning of the planet or point that Jupiter or another planet is conjuncting. So I took the charts of Bernie, Biden, and trump and ran the transits for noon on election day. I also looked at Liz Warren’s chart.

Bernie: None of these men is in a Jupiter return year. On election night, the chart set for 9 pm EST, shows that Bernie, my favorite, has the transiting North Node just past a one-degree exact conjunction with his natal Jupiter in Gemini in the 7th house. The translation of all that is like a story. The North Node is the direction we should move in this life to evolve at every level. The 7th house is partnerships – in this case, constituents, supporters, even open enemies, and Jupiter is government. Looks good. It’s backed up by transiting Pluto at 22 degrees trining Bernie’s natal North Node at 22 degrees Virgo, 10th house of profession and career. This hooks up with his evolution as a person.

Biden: Transiting Pluto opposes his Jupiter in Cancer to the degree, in the 7th house. Jupiter is also opposing his natal Jupiter within a degree. Oppositions involving Jupiter aren’t negative, but indicate you may take on more than you can reasonably handle Does Biden have the funds to go through the primary if he doesn’t sweep other primaries? I don’t see anything in Biden’s chart that indicates a win and I hope I’m being unbiased.

Trump: When you consider that trump is a pathological liar (yes, the lies are documented, more than 16K as of March 2020), who is clueless about almost everything related to government, geography, foreign policy, domestic policy, health care.. etc.

Considering his self-interests and those of his family/kids, this transit chart is interesting.
Trump will be in a nodal return year, Mr. Teflon to the hilt. The transiting NN in Gemini conjuncts his natal NN to the exact degree. This could mean, though, that trump is finally held accountable. The moon alsio is conjunct the NN within a degree. The moon symbolizes the collective – maybe just trunp’s base, but maybe something beyond that. He could win if his base is still with him And they may not be.

The threat of the corona virus – and a possible pandemic – has left the trump admin in a vulnerable position. Trump can’t control a virus. He has silenced the scientists and physicians on this case. He can spin it, replace the voices, but these days the voices of truth have other outlets. Ultimately I think trump loses because the corona virus doesn’t “vanish like a miracle,” as he said, and the stock market keeps plunging.

Liz Warren: Interestingly, Liz is the only one in this group who will be approaching a Jupiter return on election night. Her natal Jupiter is at 0 degrees Aquarius in her 4th house. On December 20, Jupiter will slip into Aquarius and conjunct her natal Jupiter. On December 18, Saturn will also move into Aquarius and conjunct her natal Jupiter. One definition of this is that Saturn makes her dream a reality. But given how things stand now, the day  before super Tuesday, the only way this could happen right now since she’s behind in delegates, is at a brokered convention.

PS Mayor Pete dropped out on Sunday evening.  Amy Klobuchar dropped out today and says she supports Biden.  What did the Biden camp promise them? A cabinet position? the VP spot?

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8 Responses to A Win for…?

  1. Bess says:

    Thanks for the data, Trish and friends! Very helpful to feeling a sense of grounding because of your analysis. Much appreciated!

  2. DJan says:

    I am hoping for Liz to pull it out somehow. But I will support whoever gets the nomination. Thanks for this ray of hope.

  3. Gia says:

    A brokered convention. Awful. As bad as the electoral college and super delegates. We need to reform the system.

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