The Posey Camp Lewis Synchro

In the fourth episode of our podcast, The Mystical Underground, our guest, psychometrist and psychic Kathy Herman, did a reading on the air for Jon Posey, our technical wizard. He’d never had a reading before. One thing she tuned in on was the spirit of a man with dark hair, whom she felt was one of Jon’s grandfathers. He had some advice for Jon, which Kathy delivered, and then went on with her reading.

Jon – and the rest of his family when he told them about Kathy’s reading – believed the grandmother was the man in the above photo, Lawrence (Larry) Bridges . He was Jon’s mother’s dad.

Something in the reading resonated strongly for him and he got choked up. When the podcast was finished and Jon had done his magic, he sent a link to his mother and aunt. Discussions ensued about which grandfather Kathy had been referring to. All the talk about grandfathers reminded Jon of a synchronicity that had occurred about his other grandfather, Johnnie Harvey Posey, his dad’s father, in the picture below.

Last summer, Jon’s dad was cleaning out a storage unit and came across his father’s service album. See the name jotted to the left? Posey, J.H.

Johnnie Harvey was stationed at Camp Lewis in the Seattle-Tacoma area in Washington during WWII. It turns out that in February/March of 2018, work took Jon (who lives in Alabama) to the same spot, now known as  Fort Lewis,  where he snapped this photo.

At the time, he didn’t know that his grandfather had been at this same base and his father hadn’t yet discovered the service album. Jon dug it out today and sent it to us. The synchro comes full circle.


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5 Responses to The Posey Camp Lewis Synchro

  1. Betty Posey Armstrong says:


  2. Janice Light says:

    I’m Jon’s Aunt Janice. Jon and I had a lengthy conversation about the reading. When
    Kathy mentioned the gentlman helping Jon along I immediately
    Thought of our Dad because he was very business minded.
    Jon then told me that Kathy told him it was his Mother’s Father.
    I honestly had a chill go through me. Jon had two amazing

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Hi Janice, thank you for stopping by. We were really impressed with Kathy’s reading – and over the phone! I didn’t realize she could work that way. And the synchronicity is just wonderful!

  3. Jon Posey says:

    Thanks for sharing this on the blog Trish!


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