The Dark Trickster and a Whistleblower Synchro?

Many global stories often have embedded synchronicities, so let’s return to the scandal swirling around the now defunct News of the World and the perhaps soon to be defunct Rupert Murdoch empire. That empire, of course, includes the most divisive news organization in the U.S.:

On Monday, July 18, 2011, a man named Sean Hoare was found dead in his apartment. He was the first (and former) News of the World reporter to allege that Andy Coulson, the former editor- in- chief of the paper, was aware of phone hacking by his staff and actually encouraged it. Coulson, by the way, went on to become press chief to British Prime Minister David Cameron.

According to The Guardian, “Hoare first made his claims in a New York Times investigation into the phone-hacking allegations at the News of the World. He told the newspaper that not only did Coulson know of the hack, but he also actively encouraged his staff to intercept the calls of celebrities in the pursuit of exclusives.” The Times  investigation took place last year.

Last week, Hoare told the NYT that reporters at News of the World had paid off British police in exchange for using law enforcement technology to locate people using their mobile phones. This technique, known as pinging, measures the distance between a cell phone and the cell towers  to pinpoint the cell user’s location.

Hoarse was apparently fired from News of the World for drug and alcohol problems and had been in rehab. “But that’s irrelevant,” he told the NYT. “There’s more to come. This is not going away.”

He was certainly right about that. Unfortunately, Hoare is the one who went away. The Hertfordshire Constabulary said his “death is currently being treated as unexplained, but not thought to be suspicious.”

Really? If that’s true, then his death, at this precise juncture in time/events, is one whopper of a synchronicity.

This scandal has now jumped the Atlantic, with the members of Congress calling for an investigation into whether people in Murdoch’s empire tried to hack into the phones of families who lost loved ones on 9-11. The FBI is investigating. If it’s proven to be true, then Murdoch’s empire is going the way of Darth Vader’s.

So far, a whole bunch of people have resigned, including the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, who has worked with Murdoch for 50 years; Rebekah Brooks,  chief executive of News International (who was arrested and interrogated); the London police commissioner. And now the whistleblower who triggered this entire investigation turns up dead.

If he wasn’t killed and died of natural causes, then the timing certainly points to the work of the dark trickster.


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17 Responses to The Dark Trickster and a Whistleblower Synchro?

  1. I had some conversations these days about possible problems of living in relatively stable times. As you partially know, we in Serbia are saturated with all kinds of global and local politics (e.g. a Serb Gavrilo Princip started World War 1) and at these relatively peaceful times we just can’t get rid of Milosevic’s inheritance. Any society, no matter how “democratic”, will have its share of Vietnams, political filth and unresolved conflicts over decades of relative stability and there won’t be much place for politics left for a sane and thinking person.

  2. Natalie says:

    Isn’t he Australian? *cringes as low as she can* BLERGH!
    Don’t feel the death was an accident.

  3. mathaddict3322 says:

    The “jumping up” I assume you were questioning was when a pseudo-comedian tried to throw a pie-pan of whipped cream into the face of Murdoch, and the wife of the son jumped up to intervene, and then security came rushing over, grabbed the comedian and escorted him out. I saw that just now on local news. What a circus sideshow this entire mess has become. We go from the tragedy of Caylee’s murderer being set free and move into this international fracas that has global implications all over the place. The entire systems of justice and government worldwide are skewed beyond recognition. And filthy. A barnyard of nastiness that I don’t think can be cleaned up. Stinks to high heaven. Arrgggghhhhh.

  4. whoot says:

    aw but for the national pastime,, guy with that name drops from the stands on that day can we see the metaphor,, can we C the synchronicity!!!! and the boys not even talking his personal stuff!!

  5. I think this is bigger than Watergate and has huge implications. Its amazing to think that it started out as outrage over news that the paper had hacked into the cell phone of a missing girl. The more details that emerge, the deeper it seems to get. A part of me wonders if someone high up has a personal vendetta against Murdoch and has decided that now was the time to take him down. That his corporation hacked into the cell phones of members of the Royal family makes me wonder if that’s the reason for why this is becoming big news.

    No human should ever be allowed to have as much power was Murdoch. There’s nothing good that come of it. I truly hope he goes down because of this. Would love to see him in jail or perhaps worse. As for the dead body of the whistleblower, I think its stupid to automatically rule out foul play. In criminology course I took as a young man, the police officer said that murder had the highest solvability rate of any crime because most people are killed by someone they know. Also, to solve a murder mystery, the first question to ask is “Who benefits?” Obviously, Murdoch and his empire benefits from the death of this whistleblower. I wouldn’t put it past that evil scumlord to have placed a hit on the victim.

    I hope WikiLeaks has info on Fox that they’d like to share with the public. Now’s the time to unload.

    • R and T says:

      I think you’re right. Apparently one of the hacking groups is going to dump a whole lot of emails from murdoch’s organization tomorrow. If true, it could get interesting. I’d like to see the entire corrupt organization go down. They’re a media mafia!

      • I hope the Republican Party is tied to Rupert’s organization. The rumours of 9/11 victims’ families having their info hacked might create enough outcry…especially if Bush and his regime benefitted from information shared by News Corp. I truly hope that Fox does not survive this scandal.

        So far, I must say that I’m liking “the apocalypse”. So many secrets have been exposed in the past decade. It does look like we are moving into a more open era, where keeping secrets is getting more difficult and those who trafficked in it are getting their just due! All I can say to the universe is: more, more, more!!!

  6. Nancy says:

    There are so many ways to kill someone and make it look like natural causes. I don’t believe in coincidence, and in this instance I believe Murdock would do anything to protect his empire. He is utterly ruthless. Just look at the damage Fox News has wreaked in the US – literally spewing so much hate that Americans think each other are the enemy instead of souless capitalists like Murdock.

  7. Two top police officers have now resigned. Murdoch was questioned by UK Members of Parliament this afternoon. Initial report onFinancial Times website. As for Hoare, looks to be your dark trickster at work (at least at present time).

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