PS Synchro with Midnight in Paris


This synchro comes from Adele Aldridge, whose I Ching sites is one of my favorites.It’s about what she experienced as soon as Midnight in Paris ended. I think Woody Allen would appreciate it!


I saw “Midnight in Paris” yesterday afternoon and experienced a sweet little synchro that I thought you two would appreciate, knowing you had seen the movie and you wouldn’t say if I told you the story, “So . . ?”

I went to a matinee at 3:00 p.m. It was hot and muggy here in Princeton so getting into the dark cool theater felt good.  Then there was that magnificent transport to beautiful scenes of Paris and the wonderful conversations and glimpses of some of my favorite characters: Picasso, Gertrude Stein, Cole Porter, Zelda and Scott Fitzgerald, Hemingway . . . etc. You saw it so you know what I’m talking about.

I liked this Woody Allen the best of his movies because of the beauty of the scenes photographically as well as his dialogue and you know, all the rest. Anyway, the movie had that wonderful effect of forgetting where I was during that time – just what a good movie does. As you recall the movie ends with the Woody Allen substitute character and the beautiful Parisian young woman walking off into the rain, not having a care in the world, just enjoying each other and the rain.

When the movie ended and we all approached the front doors of the theater – a big rain storm blew up. It was just as if we had carried the movie with us. All the people who had been inside stood under the over hang of the theater, not daring to jump into the rain as no one was prepared with an umbrella. And the street was suddenly flooded.

What I loved was that we all just stood and smiled at each other and even laughed. We wordlessly experienced the synchronicity of that sudden rain in front of us just as we had left it in the movie. Usually one would think that being caught like this that people would be grumbling and saying things like, “Oh damn! Now what am I going to do?”

Instead, we all stood and waited and watched the rain and kept on smiling. A group of young teenage girls in the group ran into the street, holding out their arms, welcoming the rain, enjoying getting wet. No grownup scolded them. They appeared to be acting out the feeling the movie left us with.

I had parked my car about half a mile away so I stood there for about 15 minutes just waiting for this movie to move on to a different scene. And it did. I loved the movie and also loved that group synchro we all shared. I could tell that every person standing there, waiting in the rain, got it about the synchro, as we continued magically living in the movie.

I dare not tell this story to any one else. You had to have seen the movie and you have to get it about synchros. I don’t recall ever having one occur in a group before.

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14 Responses to PS Synchro with Midnight in Paris

  1. Natalie says:

    Wonderful experience for sure. 🙂


    I had a similar experience here in Wales after seeing the The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe one of the Narnia films ,when we went outside it had snowed for the first time that winter! We were in Narnia!

  3. Darren B says:

    Nice sync.
    Movies and books are like Tarot cards to me.Always seeming to point out my future and linking me to the past.
    And I can’t wait to see “Midnight in Paris” at the cinema.
    But,I’ll have to,because it doesn’t open until October 20th in Oz 🙁
    Speaking (or writing,rather) about Fitzgerald.I see Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Magire have signed for the re-make of “The Great Gatsby”.
    I can’t wait for that one,either.

  4. I had a weird experience in France that I don’t know if it counts as a “synchro” or not. I was with a group of American military members on an overnight trip to Nice, France. While waiting in the hotel lobby, a hotel employee started talking politics with me. He was particularly interested in Robert F. Kennedy and I was stunned. How in a group of about 30 Americans does a French person pick me out to have a political conversation about my favourite political family?!? He didn’t really talk to any of the other Americans. He initiated a conversation with me! He chose wisely, because no one else in the group was as interested in politics as I was, nor knowledgeable about the Kennedy family than I was. It was one of those experiences that has stayed with me all these years that there might be some telepathy / energy thing going on (this happened in 1993, when I was still in my “atheist phase”).

    • R and T says:

      This sounds like the law of attraction, but could well be a synchro, too. Cool story!

      • You’re right…definitely “law of attraction”! I always seem to have amazing experiences in France. Probably because I’m unlike most Americans who seem to think the French are “rude.” I never experienced a single “rude” French person. Maybe my Francophile vibe is why I have great experiences in France.

        I walked out of “Midnight in Paris” feeling like I wish something like that would happen to me! But with the Beat Generation!

  5. That’s a feel good syncro, a magical moment when all is right with the world.

    I know I’ve said something similar before, but a few minutes ago I finished writing a post that involves Woody Allen.

  6. Nancy Pickard says:

    What a lovely experience and post. “. . .just waiting for this movie to move on to a different scene.” I love that. I’ve seen the movie and I can imagine how delightful the apres-movie felt to you.

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