Dr. Susan Yantorno is a retired veterinarian living in Sarasota, Florida. For three decades, she has experienced repeated encounters with both physical and nonphysical intelligences from elsewhere, hundreds of which have been shared experiences with loved ones, friends, co-workers and strangers.
Wow. Where to start with questions?
That’s really the central question.
Ask away and I’ll do my best to answer. Some of this is uncharted territory and the questions are open-ended.
Trish here. I have a question: how do you balance this part of your life with your ordinary daily life?
I treat it like a noisy neighbor. When I start my day, it’s as ordinary as any other person’s day. I iron my hubby’s clothes, pack his lunch and, after he leaves, I walk the dogs, take care of the house and yard, then cook dinner. During that time, I’ll often set the recorder on in the room and review the recordings later. My focus is on my life, not theirs.