A sign from the other side

Here’s our last winning synchro, this one from Lizzy Miles of Waterville, Ohio, whose blog, follow the signs, is exactly what it sounds like. This one is interesting for us because it was entered the day after we received our copies of Synchronicity and the Other Side. This one, as you might guess, is a synchronicity linked to the other side.


I am a hospice social worker, so it is expected that all of my
patients will die eventually. Yesterday, however, a 31-year old
patient of mine died suddenly and without much warning. I was supposed to visit him yesterday and the last two times I saw him he reminded me of his 32nd birthday coming up in less than a week and that I better not forget it. He had been sick for a long time and was so excited to make it to 32.

I was scheduled to see him on the day he happened to die and so it was a bit of a shock that I’ve been processing over the past two hours. I have been thinking about him a lot. On my way home from work, I said his name out loud and asked him for a sign that he was ok. I don’t know what I expected, but I was looking for something… a license plate…something.

I turned on the radio and strangely enough, it was a classical music piano piece. (My alternative rock station had apparently converted to classical the day before). He had sung hymns for me 2 weeks ago and I thought maybe it would be a hymn, but it wasn’t. If it was a sign, I thought, it wasn’t a strong enough one for me to feel the connection. I don’t listen to classical and I was confused, but the piece was calming and so I left it on.

Then I felt cold air and I could not seem to get the heater high
enough. Still, I was thinking that would be silly to think that it was
his presence. I thought about him the whole time I while I was
listening to the piano music and I chided myself for expecting him to respond to my request for a sign. He’s new to heaven, I told myself. He wouldn’t even know how to send a sign. I’m just his social worker… if he is watching from heaven he would be looking after his family, not me.

Then the song ended. The DJ said something along the lines of:

“We were just listening to Klavierstucke No. 2 in E-flat, D. 946 by
Franz Schubert. Franz wrote that song when he was 31 about 6 months before he died. He never did make it to his 32nd birthday.”

Wow. I got my sign.

RIP and Happy Birthday buddy.

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10 Responses to A sign from the other side

  1. Anewsoul says:

    Thank you all for the wonderful comments. In my seven years of blogging synchros, i would say this was one of my top 5. Math, this is the one forum where you don’t have to remind us about the truth to a synchro… We are all believers. Lovely story.

  2. Natalie says:

    Beautiful, beautiful both.

    As you know, I LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE Otherside Synchros, they are so emotional.
    Math ~ I could literally feel the pull of that salute you were trying to hold back. Awesome.

  3. Nancy Pickard says:

    That’s a mind-blowing synchronicity. Just beautiful.

    Math, yours was wonderful, too.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    As a retired Hospice RN, I can relate on such a deep level with this beautiful experience. He was definitely saying “Hello! I’m alive and well!” I grew very close to one of my last patients whom I’ll call H. She was only 49 and had been coping with breast cancer for seven years, using every available measure to survive. I discovered that H and I had been soldier-comrades in a distant past life, and felt her also to be a sister. At her funeral, they played The Navy Hymn as her casket was taken by the pallbearers from the church. (Her husband was career Navy.) I had to hold my hands behind my back to prevent myself from saluting as she passed me, so powerful was my need to make that salute. When I was driving home, I was talking to her through long-held- tears, and all of a sudden my car radio switched stations without my touching it. This is absolutely true. The radio stopped itself on a station that was playing the end of the The Navy Hymn…where the words are “slip the surly bonds of earth and touch the face of God”. I had to pull my car over to the side of the road because I could no longer see thru my tears. The church had been so filled that there was standing room only, and all of us had just sung that song as she was leaving. I knew she was “with me”, if only momentarily, on her way to a different and wonderful space. I totally identify with this glorious synchronicity from Lizzy.
    Thank you so much for sharing it!

  5. lauren raine says:

    what an amazing story………so beautiful.

  6. Nancy says:

    Wow. That says it all about this one.

  7. gypsy says:

    sometimes those seemingly simplest things are the most powerful – beautiful story!

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