Tribe meets first white man

Here’s a very interesting video of a tribe in New Guinea upon first contact with the outer world. Notice the wonder and fear in their eyes and movements. It was filmed in 1966.

Are there more such tribes still hidden? Notice the cowls that some of them wear over their shoulders and heads. Finally, where are these children now? Did this alien contact change their lives? Are they living in a slum, wearing second-hand jeans and t-shirts, and praying to Jesus?



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9 Responses to Tribe meets first white man

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    I wasn’t able to get the video to play so I haven’t watched it. However, my primary physician was born and raised in the Phillipines, and my paternal Aunt was an Air Force Major Nurse-Anesthetist serving there. Both my aunt and my physician have told me that there are tribes deep within the Phillipine Islands that have never seen white men. Some of these tribes are cannabalistic; apparently proof of this has been obtained. For that reason, white man, even missionaries, do not dare intrude into their territory. In my humble opinion, I tend to believe these peoples who are indiginous to these jungle areas should be left alone and allowed to live their lives as they are inclined. It is often the “well-meaning Christian missionaries” trying to “bring these lost lambs to Jesus” who actually bring them to ruin, destroying their culture, their very ways of life, as the attempt to make them “white”. It’s tragic. At least in my eyes, it’s an abomination for one culture to overtake and subdue another culture “in the name of God”, or whatever. Just tragic.

  2. Natalie says:

    The road to hell was paved with good intentions.

    This will be us soon enough, I think. Hope the aliens intentions are merciful and respectful of our tribe.

  3. gypsy says:

    the expressions on their faces was absolutely incredible! sad and beautiful at the same time – what a mesmerizing video! took my breath away – i found the website of jean pierre dutilleax the film-maker – fascinating to read –

  4. Nancy says:

    This brought tears to my eyes. I hope this encounter ended up being good and not bad for these sweet people.

  5. I find the video a little sad as they have such an innocence about them. As you ask: Where are they now? Often when we see other tribes there seems to be Coco-Cola signs and football (soccer) shirts. I’m sure their lives will have been changed, just hope there have been advantages.

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