Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius Today


Today at 3:12 PM EDT, there’s a lunar eclipse at 15 degrees Sagittarius. This eclipse is the first of three between now and early July. June 21 features a solar eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer and on July 5, there’s a lunar eclipse in Capricorn at 12:44 a.m. EDT.

News of one kind or another usually accompanies eclipses. But lunar eclipses are more about internal events and solar eclipses concern outer events. Because it’s in Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign that always seeks the bigger picture, we’ll all be looking for the emotional big picture. In terms of national events, that bigger picture may encompass the murder of George Floyd. In terms of our personal world, it may concern something we learned during the lock down part of the pandemic about ourselves.

Mars in Pisces forms an exact square with the eclipse degree, which may spark tempers, arguments, aggression of some kind. The forecast for June is here. Check your particular sign for how the eclipse impacts you.

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