Pandemic Stuff


Dates. On Wednesday, March 11, WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. The next day, on March 12, I drove to Orlando for wine walk that evening. Rob stayed at home. He was supposed to have elective surgery the following week and needed to go through X-rays, blood work and so on.

Megan and I returned the next day, Friday March 13, and she stayed for the weekend. Rob didn’t feel great that weekend and Megan and I kept our distance.

By the time she returned to Orlando on Monday, March 16, Rob’s elective surgery was postponed for a week because there were several COVID patients in the hospital where he would be. But the following week, elective surgeries were cancelled. He no longer needs the elective surgery. My joke is that COVID cured him.

Am I asymptomatic?

Two weeks later, on May 17, Florida had 44,811 cases. Today, June 26, we’ve been open since Memorial Day weekend and we have 122, 960 cases, with nearly 9000 new cases today. And today – in about five weeks – the number of cases have increased by 24,592 cases a week. Today, Florida is a hot spot because it closed too late and opened too early.
And today, Pence, the self-declared Christian, remarked that the country is in a good place. We’ve come back, we’re ready to move forward. Really? With more than 46,000 new cases a day in this country, more than 126,000 deaths, well, none of that is real in the trump bubble. And wearing masks has become politicized.

Overall, it’s a shit show.

Where will be by July 11, four months to the day that WHO declared a pandemic?
For accurate statistics, I monitor several sites. I’m less trustful of anything the CDC puts out because they seem to have abdicated whoever they used to be. For global stats, I use the worldometer – independent of the U.S. and CDC.

For Florida statistics, I’ve bypassed the Florida Department of Health since I learned that scientists Rebeka Jones was fired for refusing to fix the case numbers to justify opening the state of Florida. I think she was fired in early May. Since then, she has created her own dashboard .

She offers information that Governor DeSantis and his health department don’t. In fact,
according to an interview that Jones gave to The Guardian UK, DeSantis is trying to massage the numbers of cases to make things in Florida look like it’s all under control so y’all come on down for July 4, our beaches are open!

So here we are. Tomorrow, I’m going to find a place where I can be tested for antibodies, for free. I don’t know is antibodies makes us immune, but it will at least tell me whether I’ve had the virus and have developed antibodies.


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18 Responses to Pandemic Stuff

  1. Jane says:

    Good to hear Rob didn’t need surgery, I sent healing to him at the time, hope it helped.
    My son Harry got covid March 12 he’s young and fit and had a fever and cough 3 days was exhausted the rest of the week and recovered well. He lost his sense of smell for two weeks a known effect.
    The miracle was I was isolated in a small house with him and didn’t catch it! I burned an aromatherapy diffuser 24/7 for a week. I took lemon balm tincture and zinc and other supplements too

  2. Darren B says:

    Here are the photos I took Saturday night of my trip to the football stadium –

  3. lauren raine says:

    Arizona is in pretty much the same shape, a “hot spot”. I am proud of the mayor of Tucson who has made it law to wear a mask.

  4. Darren B says:

    I just read the latest headlines over here in Australia where it is being said that, “Coronavirus will continue to spread at an alarming rate until “most of the world is infected” as it is now almost impossible to contain in many nations, according to infectious disease experts.”
    I think that “it’s kind of funny, kind of strange” that the Trump tarot card number 20 is the Judgement Card and that 2020 is an election year for you guys over there.
    When you weigh up the upright and reverse meanings of that Trump card it makes for an interesting metaphor of 20/20 so far I think –

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I’ll take a look at that tarot post!

      Today, Florida has another 10,109 new cases. But hey, y’all, we’re still open for biz – except the beaches have been closed.

      • Darren B says:

        We have virtually nil cases in my Australian state of Queensland, but the state of Victoria is spiking and starting to get out of hand with positive cases.
        The Queensland government has just opened the state border with New South Wales, but Victorians aren’t allowed in without going through a 14 quarantine period, or risk paying a $4,000 fine.
        I’m heading to the football on Saturday night with my youngest son, where the capped crowd figure is going to be 10,000 fans I’m told.
        So that will give me a visual idea of what Florida’s 10,109 new cases would look like if they were grouped together into one big arena.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          So you aren’t wearing masks etc. Except maybe in Victoria? Take a photo of those 10,000 fans. Am curious what it looks like!

          • Darren B says:

            We are being told that masks don’t stop you from getting it, they only stop you from spreading it.
            And because we virtually have no virus circulating except for Victoria, there is really no need to wear them as long as we are social distancing and washing or hands lots.
            We will have to wear masks if the virus spikes up out of control, to stop people from spreading it further.
            I’ll send you a photo of the crowd at the football on Saturday night when I go, as it looks weird to see a football crowd social distancing.
            Plus I want to see my son’s cardboard cutout behind the goals (click on link), where no spectators are allowed to sit or stand, so they don’t handle the ball and infect the players.

  5. Jenean Gilstrap says:

    oh my goodness! ive considered the testing also because for a number of weeks following my foot injury I went thru a lot of the things considered symptomatic of the virus – it didit strike me as being that at the time since I had so many other med issues but having read tons of articles on the virus subsequently I am seriously considering the testing – but would have to go out to get it and my doctor just this past week told me to not leave the house for any reason – that this second round of it is much worse than is being told and a that it is spreading very rapidly – he said this several times – anyway please keep us posted and many thanks for insightful post

  6. Sheila Joshi says:

    Trish — Do some Googling — so far, all the antibody tests seem to be very unreliable — false positive / false negative.

  7. Alisha Mohanty says:

    Hi Trish,
    I am sorry to learn what you’re going through. I wanted to share what o know about antibodies so far. I follow a British actor on Instagram. I started following her because she shared her COVID-19 recovery story on Instagram. I continued following her as she is a very positive person. She underwent the antibody test after 13-weeks of her recovery. The result was negative, which means she had no antibodies anymore in her body, which meant she want not protected from COVID-19 anymore. Like the common cold. It’s from her story that I learnt to be extremely careful about leaving the house for anything essential. I would suggest you to not risk going to the hospital or diagnostic that would put you at risk. I suggest this because COVID-19 antibodies are not lasting forever is what I understand. There have been many reported return patients in South Korea, I suspect because of the same reason. South Korea is able to come up with accurate numbers because they are maintaining proper records and contact tracing.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Thanks for the information, Alisha. That’s interesting about the antibodies. So far, I haven’t heard much about the antibody stuff except that no one knows for sure. I’ll take a look at her IG and follow, too.

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