July kicks off in the shadow of the second Jupiter/Pluto conjunction of 2020 that occurred on June 30. Both planets are retrograde, so the focus is on large-scale achievements in the past. This conjunction occurs ever 13 years and the last one occurred in December 2007.

On July 5, at 12:44 a.m. EDT and on July 4 at 9:44 p.m. PDT, there’s a lunar eclipse at 13 degrees Capricorn. Jupiter is widely conjunct the eclipse degree and Uranus in Taurus forms a beneficial angle to it. Because it falls on the country’s birthday, there may be a surprise of some kind involving the presidential campaigns. Given the recent spike in corona virus cases in some states, there could be news of some sort about a landmark reached in terms of cases. As of today, June 29, the U.S. has more than 126,000 deaths from the virus and more than two and a half million cases. Worldwide, there are more than eight and a half million cases.

July 12 marks the end of Mercury retrograde and a sun/Neptune trine helps us all move forward again. Sign your contracts, touch base with your employees and employers, send out resumes and manuscripts, and book a trip if you’re comfortable about traveling again.
July 20 features a new moon at 28 degrees Cancer, the second new moon in Cancer this month. With Mercury now in direct motion and Neptune trine the moon, things generally feel softer, more compassionate, and creative.

On July 30, Mercury and Jupiter are opposed to each other and it’s easy to get caught up in excessive optimism.

For the full July forecast for all 12 signs, look in the masthead.

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