Republicans Against Trump

These campaign ads use trump’s own words to make it clear why he needs to go,

Here’s another:

And another group:

And one more…



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16 Responses to Republicans Against Trump

  1. ce qui se passe says:

    There is a reason certain Republicans want Trump out, and it’s not the reason you think it is. It’s the same reason certain Democrats are desperate to get rid of him, and are using the D party and your vote to get what they want. And again, the reason is not what you think it is. It’s the same reason many senators and representatives have either resigned or chosen not to run for reelection in the last few years. It’s the same reason many high-level government appointees and CEOs of major corporations have resigned in the last few years. And still, the reason is not what you think it is. These things are all connected. The recent explosion in Lebanon, the arrest (and release) of Saudi Prince Alwaleed in 2017, the Mandalay Bay shooting, Jeffrey Epstein, more, all connected. There’s more. Much more. Skeletons in closets, and desperate measures to keep them there.

    Everything you think you know is wrong. You will be shocked at the lies you’ve been told, and by whom, and why, and for how long. Absolutely. Shocked. People you’ve been taught to trust have been lying to you for a very very long time.

    Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      So enlighten us.

      • ce qui se passe says:

        Dig. I’m just an anonymous messenger, you will not believe it if it comes from me. I can not give you the answers, you must find them for yourself. Take what I’ve given you and dig. The answers are there. Find them. The things I listed are all connected.

        There are no coincidences. There are no political parties. This isn’t about dems vs repubs. This isn’t about Trump. You are being misled for a reason. Dig.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          QAnon? Some other conspiracy theory? People have come on here before, talking like you do. That I and others like me are being lied to, misled, etc. So my response to them – and to you – is enlighten me. If you have the answers to what you listed earlier, then spell them out.

          • ce qui se passe says:

            If you want to be spoon-fed, then you are not ready. That’s okay, but remember that spoon-feeding makes you vulnerable. Others will tell you lies, so be careful who you trust. Things are not what they seem. But the choice to know is yours.

            Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing.

            • Trish and Rob says:

              It’s not about being spoon fed. It’s about you providing information instead of making veiled references to what sound like deep state conspiracies and OMG, WTF nothing can stop what’s coming. From my viewpoint, what’s coming if trump wins in November is autocracy, dictatorship, the end of democracy, more divisiveness, economic collapse, and this country falling deeper into one crisis after another. What I see coming is that if he wins, I need to leave this country and find somewhere else to live. But thanks to the raging virus, not too many other countries want Americans. That’s what I see. It’s right in front of us.

  2. Nancy says:

    I started supporting The Lincoln Project after their “Mourning in America” video. It is so comforting to me to know there are many, many Republicans who do not support this greasy carnival barking clown of a president. I go to the website Republican Voters Against Trump to soothe my soul every time Trump circumvents our constitution. So many Republicans are apalled at the dirty tricks and outright corruption of this president, I have a feeling Trump might get a surpise from his own party in November. They are still a minority, but let the deaths start to stack up, the effect his executive order on employment taxes has on Social Security and Medicare become known, and things could change in an instant. He should review Bush Sr. and his attempt to “rewrite” those well-loved social services. One term president.

  3. laurence zankowski says:


    the Lincoln Project work is phenomenal! and they turn the around sometimes in minutes…
    hope all is well

    be well

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Wonderful to hear from you, Laurence! Hope you’re doing well!

      • laurence says:

        been a ride Trish , been a ride… will get back into the commenting thing in a bit.
        lots of Covid-19 issues that are hurting the world. no one is immune…

        just get ready to bug out of Florida when these storms that are coming alive target you.

        wish we had rain in Colorado, serious heat and fires.

        be well


  4. Sheila Joshi says:

    Lincoln Project going after Senate — and now House! — Repub enablers. They will not forgive and forget, Lord love ’em.

  5. Melissa says:

    God, I hope he doesn’t win in November.

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