Time, the Pandemic, & Kamala Harris



This pandemic has now stretched on for what seems a really long time – 5 or 6 months – but really isn’t long at all in a cosmic scheme of things. Yet, some mornings when I wake up, I don’t know what day it is. And my mom comes to mind because in the last years of her life, when Alzheimer’s ravaged her brain, she didn’t even know what year it was, much less the day of the week. And she had no idea who I was.

During this pandemic, days have melted into each other and are broken up by some snippet of news I read or hear about. Trump did this or that, the senate, the house, the committees, McConnell, Pelosi…it all runs together. But on Tuesday, August 11, I sensed a change.

Biden chose Kamala Harris as his VP running mate. A black woman of Jamaican and Indian descent. Former AG of California, the second largest judicial system in the country. She won me over during the Kavanaugh hearings. One friend remarked that confrontation with Kavanaugh was just showmanship, a performance. My response? So what?

Every hearing of that kind is a stage for showmanship. Look at Jim Jordan, puffed up with indignation during the impeachment hearings. The point in the Kavanaugh hearing was that Kamala, a woman of color, a former prosecutor, confronted the sexual accusations against Kavanaugh as a woman and Kavanaugh was eventually reduced to the sniveling, whining, white boy that he is. But, he still made it to the supremos.

Libra sun, Gemini rising – like Obama – and an Aries moon. Libra is the perfect sign for an attorney. Gemini rising, like Obama, brings intelligence, great communication skills, and a personable demeanor curious about everything. But it’s Kamala’s Aries moon that may undo the trump administration.

Here’s why: she seems to live through this Aries moon, being the first this and that, a warrior who calls out men like Kavanaugh and trump, both of them accused sexual predators. That Aries moon lives according to the Star Trek motto, Going where no one has gone before… Or was it: Where no man has gone before? Well, if that was it, time to update Star Trek.

I feel more hopeful than I have in the last four years. I’m delighted my daughter will experience a female president in her lifetime.

As Obama said about Kamala: “Let’s go win this thing.”

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16 Responses to Time, the Pandemic, & Kamala Harris

  1. lauren raine says:

    A great pick! Biden is going to have a huge mess to clean up after the devestation that Trump has wrought – he will need her energy and toughness to do the job.

  2. DJan says:

    I too feel hopeful and am thrilled about Kamala being the VP pick. I didn’t know that about Gemini Rising, which I have. Makes me feel good to have her on the ticket, and although I seldom comment, you know I read everything you post! Let’s go win this thing! 🙂

  3. Darren B says:

    Did you see this weird synchro that a sync blogger posted? –
    Death & Rebirth via Kamala by Goro –

  4. Nancy Atkinson says:

    This is just what this country needs. It is time for a strong, intelligent, woman of color to take her place in history. I love Elizabeth Warren and would like nothing better than to see her in the cabinet, but if it means not having a majority in the Senate, well..

    I felt all along Kamala was the best fit for Biden. She was personal friends with his son, Beau, and she has the youth and energy that this race is going to need. She’s smart enough to take a back seat and help him shine, knowing her time will come. It is time for sanity to return to the White House. Yay Biden/Harris!!

  5. Cheryl says:

    I wish her well. Better to have the administration go after her than Biden. She has fewer vulnerabilities. I do like the tricultural lineage. She will be a strong advocate for women. She might be able to use those prosecutorial skills in a positive way and she will resist being controlled by the Dems. I hope she is less moderate than she seems. People of Native American descent always surprise me being more conservative than I expect. So it goes.

  6. Caren says:

    Kamela was a great choice. She is a tough cookie and Trump better start figuring out his escape plan. Her youth and energy perfectly balances Biden’s wisdom and compassion.
    Her confrontation with Kavanaugh was not “showmanship.” It was a perfect example of her professionalism and experience she has as a prosecutor. Wishing her the best of luck.

  7. Jenean Gilstrap says:

    well said.

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