More Numbers from Holly

My numerologist friend, Holly Granquist, who also reads tarot, sent me another numerology/tarot report thing evening. I don’t know much about numerology, except that numbers often appear in cluster synchronicities, but I do know about the tarot.

From Holly:

First according to the numbers, Joe Biden is going to be the lawful winner of the 2020 presidential election.  But, there will be a terrible fight to stop him from being installed. Many of us, I know, are expecting this. I also read Tarot and this is what came up this morning after I had listened to your Alex Miller podcast. The greater the intensity of my focus, the clearer the reading is.

TRUMP: represented by 9 of Cups, 45/9 president, a lonely man. Mr. money bags.

BIDEN: 6 of Wands, A man who is wearing a wreath of victory around his head: success, winning, triumph. He is on a grand horse walking into the future.

JUDGMENT CARD: Judgement card – The 2020 election

4 CUPS REVERSED:    The days following election day will signal a time for Americans to snap out of the collective miasma they have been encapsulated in due to the political race.

5 SWORDS: Sadly this card appears next, and this signals the war the far right will bring into play.  It will be quite terrible and some people are going to  get hurt.

Now for the numberS. INAUGURATION DAY – January 20, 2021 = 8, at 9 am = 17.8.   Joe Biden’s second core number is 17.8  if he does not use the Jr. in his birth name.
If he uses Jr., his second core number becomes 18.9 which matches the election day number – 11/3/2020.  11 is a master number and so I have not reduced it..  Joe Biden’s first core number is 11/2. Joe Biden is in a 17.8 personal year, moving into a 18.9 personal year. JOE BIDEN WINS THE ELECTION.

Trump is currently in a 15.6 personal year.  For a human being who puts his trust in money above all else, he is in a bad place.

When the numbers from the Tarot cards add up, the number is 18.9 ,  Joe Biden’s 2nd core number, the election day number, and the inauguration day number. The dye is set.

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5 Responses to More Numbers from Holly

  1. Nancy says:

    I sense a very unstable country for the next 6 months, at least. Civil unrest like we have never experienced in our lifetimes. The far right is armed and not afraid to show it or use it. And make no mistake – lefties are also armed, just NOT showing it, but certainly capable of using it to defend themselves. Meanwhile, Trump is throwing gas on all the fires he can find. We really are at a breaking point in so many ways. It will be interesting to see what emerges from all of this.

  2. ce qui se passe says:

    All but 3 presidents in the last 70 years were chosen for us, not elected.
    Trump happened by accident.
    Reagan happened by accident.
    JFK happened by accident.
    All others chosen for us. Democrat, Republican, doesn’t matter.
    There are no political parties. It’s all an illusion [controlled opposition].
    You will be shocked when you learn how deep this goes. Shocked.

    Who was responsible for election security [ballot box chain of custody] pre-2018 midterms?
    Who is responsible for election security now?
    What [security protocols] changed?
    How are votes counted?
    Ballot box chain of custody is key.
    Why did it change?
    Why is there such a strong push for mail-in voting now?
    Loss of control.
    Follow the chain.
    District–>County–>???–>State–>???–>Nation. Fill in the blanks.
    See prior comment re: Snowden. Important.

  3. Cheryl says:

    This is a very clear reading. It’s a good reminder that winning an election doesn’t necessarily get you the office. It also implies that Biden doesn’t win by a landslide, in which case there would be no question.

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