A Quantum Leap

Can the present affect the past? If so, would that be cause and effect in reverse, or synchronicity? 

That’s the question that we are wondering as we post this quite extraordinary tidbit of information that involves President Obama and the birthers.  In case you’ve been missing in action, the birthers are a crazed contingent of far right and far from right fanatics who believe Barack Obama was born in a foreign country, not Hawaii. In spite of his birth certificate showing that he was born in a hospital in Hawaii, the birthers persist, saying it’s all a conspiracy.

The new twist on this story comes from ace conspiracy investigator Peter Levenda (author of Sinister Forces). But first, to put things in perspective, Peter makes it clear that he considers the birthers’ contention bogus. Notes Peter:

“I believe that the arguments set forth by the “birther” movement are without foundation because one would have to believe that a conspiracy existed as long ago as the day of Obama’s birth (or even earlier) to defraud the presidential election process.  I study conspiracy theories, as you know, and this one is beyond the pale.  Efforts to prove that Obama was born in Kenya (for instance) have been demonstrated to be false and the result of forged documents, etc.  I feel that there is a tangible element of racism and paranoid hysteria in these allegations that devalue honest journalistic investigation.”

Okay, that being said …

“There is a synchronistic element hidden within the “birther” allegations that no one has noticed so far.  It is truly bizarre, and its existence suggests to me that the fury of the birthers has its origin in the “sinister forces” of which I write.  I even hesitate to bring this up, knowing full well what the reaction will be among the birthers and how they will use this synchronistic piece of “evidence” to add more fuel to their fires, full as they are of heat and no light.  But, here it goes:
“In the two birth announcements from the Hawaii newspapers mentioning that a son was born to Mr and Mrs Barack Obama on August 4, 1961 we notice that the next announcement in the series, directly below that of Barack Obama, is for a son born to a Mr and Mrs Norman Asing on the same day.”
Seems innocuous, unless you have a sharp eye and familiarity with the language of Indonesia.We’ll let Peter explain.
Asing is a word in the Indonesian national language, Bahasa Indonesia, and means … “foreign“!  
 You will recall that Barack Obama spent four years in Indonesia growing up and still has a good command of that language.
“Now the birthers will say that this is evidence that there was a conspiracy back in 1961 when Barack Obama was a week old, and that the birth announcement for Mr Asing was a coded message to their followers that “the eagle has landed” or something (much, I assume, to the real Mr Asing’s dismay). 
“My interpretation, of course, is somewhat different.  I believe that the birther movement was so intense that it created a ripple in space-time. (I write about this in Sinister Forces in connection with the Kennedy assassinations, the Texas Tower Sniper, etc. all of which were predicted in novels and plays long before the events took place).
“I believe that this announcement is a clue, but not of a conspiracy.  It is a prediction of what would occur, a prediction created by the intensity of the debate and the passions of the individuals involved whose quantum effects were felt not only in the present and presumably in the future but… also in the past.

“I would never have noticed this had I not spent many years living in Malaysia which uses a national language quite similar to Indonesia’s, and in which the word “asing” has the same meaning, so it was only serendipity that brought my attention to the birth announcement where the word “Asing” jumped out at me because, you see, in Malaysia and Indonesia I was also “asing”:  a foreigner.”

So, to sum up,  Peter is suggesting that the emotional intensity of the birther movement and their contention–no matter how wrong–affected the past, synchronicistically resulting in the appearance of the name Asing directly below Obama.

This explanation is interesting–present circumstances exerting influence on the past–and could relate to previous synchronicities we’ve posted about authors writing about future events…namely, Edgar Allan Poe penning a tale about a dramatic case of cannibalism on the high seas 47 years before it occurred, and Morgan Robertson ‘novelizing’ the sinking of the Titanic (he called it the Titan) in Futility 14 years before the tragedy.

This entry was posted in obama, politics, quantumn physics, time. Bookmark the permalink.

11 Responses to A Quantum Leap

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, musing, this is a great link! Thanks for posting it!

  2. musingegret says:

    I searched for "Titanic" to find the most applicable post for this comment. I just found on List Universe another amazing author/story precognition sync that I was totally unaware of (oops, ending sentence with a preposition!)

    Go to the List of Early Works of Apocalyptic Fiction and scroll down to #9 and read about Jack London's "The Scarlet Plague." Yowza!


  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Isn't Holographic Universe just amazing? Even after – what? 18 years? – the material is relevant.

  4. Nancy says:

    Wow, this plays right into the book Holographic Universe where he talks about the cosmos as a hologram. Fascinating.

  5. d page says:

    Fantastic post!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    more than intriguing, the anagram! geeeeee!!!!!

    hmmmm….you're right about the whole concept of time being so fascinating, marlene – which reminds me of song where it is so well said – "who knows where the time goes?" –

  7. Marlene says:

    Very ineresting post…I am facinated with the concept of Time as we know it..I have often wondered of the effects we can have..when strong emotions and energies are released..into time itself….I seem to recall reading that time was a energy field that was really not liner..but circular…was that Einstien ? I can't remember…?? I think our understanding of time..will prove to one day be the equivalent of the world is flat theory!
    It will only be a matter of time…that is we we have enough of it left 🙂

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's another peculiar ditty, also related to Obama. In the wake of the announcement of the addition of 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, I wrote on my Facebook page that I was awaiting the day when we went back to knitting Afghans and training them to sit…instead of shooting them.

    One of the responses came from Jim Banholzer, whose posts have appeared here occasionally. Jim noted that an anagram for the phrase: "Obama for Change" is "Afghan race boom."

    In other words, hidden behind the slogan promoting change was a race to drop more bombs on Afghans. But I recall he did say as much in the campaign.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    absolutely fantastic!!! absolutely riveting!!! and which brings up, as you have said, so many other possibilities! just I M A G I N E!!!

    a brilliant post in all ways! love love love the birthers commentary! thank you – you two rock!!!

  10. Vanessa says:

    And don't forget Fahrenheit 451 predicting reality TV and several other things I can't remember, having read it ages ago.

  11. HELENA AFONSO says:

    I just come from BORNEO-MALASIA and posted my first text with images, in my blog, I would like very much to invite you to visit, as this trip was inspired in a fantastic american writter who lived in BORNEO for 20 years – AGNES KEITH – the text is half in portuguese, with english passages from her book, I do have the googler translator though,

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