According to Worldometer, November 20, today, featured the highest number of covid cases for a single day in the U.S.  201,803.

Think about that.

Think about when trump first found out about the virus and downplayed it because he didn’t want to “panic” people, according to Bob Woodward’s book- and the audio of trump saying this to Woodward.

Think about how many times in the spring when he said, “It’ll go away in April.”

It’ll just magically disappear one day.”

“We’re rounding the corner.”

According to the NY TImes tracker for this virus, 251,715 Americans have died. In the last 7 days, there have been 49.3 new cases per 100,000 people.

Total, since January 21, there have been 11,650,817 cases of covid in the U.S., the highest in the world.

No, trump can’t be blamed for the virus. But he certainly can be blamed for everything he hasn’t done to contain it. Now, with his hopes for a second term collapsing,  he never mentions the virus at all. He’s too busy trying to steal an election.



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20 Responses to THE TOLL

  1. Cheryl says:

    Darren is right. You probably know people who expressed the intention to live elsewhere if Trump had been reelected. Liberals left in droves when Margaret Thatcher became prime minister. And never went back. Some of them live where I live.

    It is unfortunate that Queen Elizabeth had to sign her parliament’s decisions into law whether or not she agreed with them. Our president has the power of veto, she does not. Thatcher did a lot of damage when she was prime minister. She was a lot like Trump, only without the wealth. She was smarter then than he is now and much more cunning.

    • Darren B says:

      Yeah Cheryl, I met Grace Potter in 2016 at Bluesfest when there was talk Trump could become POTUS, and Grace told a bunch of us at the signing tent that if Trump won then she was moving to Australia to live with us.
      And she said that she was dead serious.
      Alas, she wasn’t it seems.
      Actions speak louder than words, as they say.
      There’s pictures of her in this post I wrote on April 1st (AKA April Fool’s Day) in 2016, but I’m not kidding about what Grace said at the time –

      • Trish and Rob says:

        You’ll enjoy Daz’s site on synchronicity, Cheryl!

      • Cheryl says:

        Daz, you really know how to live. What an interesting time you had at Bluesfest. I’ll have to check out your site on synchronicity. Thanks for all the links you’ve left here. I’ve taken advantage, often.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Nobody lives only throough the moon, Trish. Work is done through Mercury and Saturn. Whatever her moon might try to enact through its desire to effect change, as cardinal and activating as that action might be, is not going to have the impact (or lack thereof) of her retrograde Saturn, which is at the apex of a collective US Thor’s Hammer. Or God’s Fist, if you want to call it that. I use that name for the sesquisquare, much more poetic. It’s like having a target with the ability to to turn on and wipe out the bullet heading for it.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I meant that she lives more thru hr moon than thru her sun. I’ve found that with some clients over the years. God’s Fist: in interesting term, all things considered.

  3. Darren B says:

    Here’s a sync, November 20th is Joe Biden’s birthday, as well as my mother’s birthday.
    My mum is 3 years older than Joe though.
    I read somewhere that he will be the oldest POTUS to take office at 78 years of age.
    To be honest I’d be surprised to hit 60 in four years time and Joe will be 81/82 at the next election … if he makes it that far and his health can hold out that is.
    Somehow I think America is in for a female POTUS between then and now.
    I hope all is well … or as well as it can be in your part of the UK Mike.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I agree, Daz. Definitely time for a female prez. Long overdue.

      • Darren B says:

        I don’t think a female necessarily makes for a better POTUS than a male, I ‘m just saying that I can’t see a frail 78 year old POTUS going the distance, and that the Vice-POTUS will get the job by default.
        I don’t think the sex of a POTUS makes much difference, as it comes down to what the individual is all about.
        The UK and Australia have both had women running the country and I haven’t seen much difference in how the countries ran under them or their male counterparts.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          Your country and the UK and Germany and New Zealand are way ahead of the U.S. I think a woman POTUS brings a different kind of energy to governing. One thing is for sure: republicans have blown the last 4 years and their cult leader is a criminal who has set this country back decades.

          • Darren B says:

            On the subject of female leaders, I’m watching season 4 of ‘The Crown’ on Netflix over here in Australia and I noticed a synchronicity with Gillian Anderson from ‘The X-Files’ playing Margaret Thatcher .
            Thatcher was born on 10/13, which is also the birthday of ‘The X-Files’ creator Chris Carter who named his production company Ten Thirteen Productions because of him being born on 10/13.
            Cue the X-Files theme music now 🙂

          • Cheryl says:

            Darren is right. You probably know people who expressed the intention to live elsewhere if Trump had been reelected. Liberals left in droves when Margaret Thatcher became prime minister. And never went back. Some of them live where I live.

            It is unfortunate that Queen Elizabeth had to sign her parliament’s decisions into law whether or not she agreed with them. Our president has the power of veto, she does not. Thatcher did a lot of damage when she was prime minister. She was a lot like Trump, only without the wealth. She was smarter then than he is now and much more cunning.

    • lauren raine says:

      I find Biden a dedicated professional and patriot, with a lot of empathy, and it very much feels to me that he doesn’t particularly want to be president, but he felt he had to step up because he was qualified for the job and the situation is so very dire, with the foundations of American democracy at stake. I think Kamala Harris was a great choice, because she is young and very, very strong – she will be a good support for him with her strength and toughness, and I think she would be a good president as well. Which I think she very well may be, since I doubt Biden will want to have a second term. While the fact that she is a woman and is of mixed race is important, more important is her character, which I think Biden understands very well. Because it is no easy road these two face.

      • Trish and Rob says:

        I agree on Biden. He will try to heal this country/. Good luck with that! If Tecumseh’s curse is still functioning, then Biden may not survive first term and Kamala will be first female prez and prove that she lives through her Aries moon.

  4. Horrific statistics and for the world in general. The only good news is that there appears to be several effective vaccines in progress – fingers crossed.

    Stay safe.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Good to hear from you, Mike!Hope things in the UK are better than here. I’ll pop over to your blog.

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