

Synchro expert Philip Merry doesn’t classify synchronicities. He just urges people to use them in their personal and professional lives to advance their careers and personal evolution. He recognizes their value as guides, indicators, muses.

As he points out, For three centuries, the scientific world has been dominated by the Newtonian paradigm, which says “that humans are separate from each other and that the world is ruled by linear mechanistic thinking. But the quantum revolution in the 20th century changed everything and quantum mechanics revealed that we live in a world where people are essentially energetically entangled. Synchronicity connects us to that quantum world.”

Just how deep do such connections extend?

Ask Anthony Hopkins. When he was researching his part for the film of George Feifer’s The Girl from Petrovka, he searched London bookstores for a copy of the novel. He couldn’t find one. He went into Leicester Square subway station to catch a train home and there, lying on a bench in the station was the book.

What are the odds? And what are the odds that the synchronicity would resume two years later when Hopkins was filming in Vienna and greeted by Feifer? The author mentioned that he no longer had a copy of his own book and told Hopkins he’d lent his last copy to a friend who had mislaid it somewhere in London. Feifer added that it really annoyed him because he had annotated that particular copy.

At this point, Hopkins probably felt he’d fallen down a rabbit hole. But imagine how Feifer must have felt when Hopkins handed him a copy of his own book. “Is this the one?” Hopkins asked. “With the notes scribbled in the margin?”

This story beautifully describes what Perry means when he says, “We live in a world where people are essentially energetically entangled.”

This kind of synchronicity is in a class of its own, Mind-Blowing.


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6 Responses to Entanglement

  1. Cheryl says:

    Until this impeachment is resolved, we live in a word that is energetically mangled.

  2. Darren B says:

    Sounds like “synchromysticism” to me –

  3. Adele says:

    Another wonderful story about what really is “reality.” Thank you.

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