And how’s your merc retro going?

Every Mercury retrograde is different. Some impact personal and professional relationships, cars and travel of all sorts. Others make a mess of technology. And some bring up old issues – like the impeachment of trump and whether or not he’ll be convicted for inciting violence at the capitol on January 6.

But all Merc retros have several things in common: life gets bumpy in one or several areas, old issues surface, miscommunication is the norm. Anything with moving parts is screwed up. If you sign a contract, you’ll revisit the terms. Best to revise, review, reconsider.

So far, Mercury retrograde in Aquarius for us has brought a shortage of firewood instead of toilet paper and paper towels. Our winter here in Florida has lasted longer this season, weeks instead of days when the temps were cold enough to build a fire in your fire pit. When I wore three layers of clothes.

Ten days into this retro, appointments have changed, revisions are underway, I’ve had to change passwords several times. I’ve also had technical issues with my computer, phone, and our podcast.

Today, we were supposed to talk with Davina Kotulski, a clinical psychologist, author, and life coach. When she called our Skype number shortly before 1 p.m. ET, she got a busy signal. Since the number belongs to the podcast and none of us were using the number, our producer and tech wizard said, “Ask her to call back in half an hour.”

The upshot is that we re-scheduled for a date after the retro ends – March 1.

For other people, the technology stuff seems to be a biggie. One friend, Paula, had to buy a new iPhone because water seeped inside her iPhone 11 and basically killed it. I always recommend that people don’t buy electronics during a retro period. But, let’s face it. These days we pretty much live on our phones. We need our phones even in Mercury retros.

During one retro, our washing machine broke down. Since I had no desire to use a laundromat for three weeks or go without clean clothes, I bought a new washing machine. It’s never been quite normal – it grunts and groans at times and makes a lot of noise.
During another retro, I signed a contract and the project was screwed up from the second I put that pen to paper. During another, I bought a car from Carmax and sold it within a year. I hated the stick shift.

But some Mercury retros bring old acquaintances and friends back into your life. And most of the time if you travel during a a Merc retro, you return to your destination at a future time.

Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury, the archetypal trickster that governs communication, travel, and anything with moving parts. They may feel these retro more strongly than other signs. But, we all experience this energy in some area of our lives.

The good news? The next Mercury retro won’t happen again until May 29 at 6:34 p.m. EDT. It ends on June 22 at 6 p.m. After that, the third and final retro of the year – circle September 27 at 1:10 a.m. and it ends on October 18 at 11:37 a.m.

In between, make as much progress as you can.


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9 Responses to And how’s your merc retro going?

  1. Cheryl says:

    Flashpoint, today I think. From this point on, most of the bumps will be solution oriented. That’s not always much comfort but February 20 is not so far off. I had some real breakthroughs on new moon day. Thanks so much, Trish, for keeping us updated.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I had a couple of breakthroughs, too- in spite of the retro.

      • Cheryl says:

        That was a beautiful chart, the Aquarius new moon. I was able to readdress some old issues in new ways. Building a new world in your personal space means breaking up familiar patterns that have become obsolete. For me, it was mostly inner work that happened as a result of some painful external triggers. So interesting that it’s happening on national television as a synchro right now.

  2. Leslie says:

    Thank you for the great article! You mentioned that you use Skype. I recommend you try Wire, Jitsi, or Signal as an alternative. (,, They are open-source and encrypted, whereas Skype is neither. Wire, in fact, was created by the programmers of Skype as a kind of Skype 2.0. Yes, Mercury retrogrades are what convinced me that astrology is real! They really do screw up stuff! 🙂

  3. Adele says:

    Mercury went retrograde. Then we had a blizzard in the middle of which a filling fell out and my toilet broke and would not flush. Then I noticed that my right leg was swollen with hideous blotches and big blue things in the back of my knee. Vicki was worried that I had a blood clot. Screeeem! I could not get hold of my doctor so we went to the emergency room at the Milford hospital. After a very long time and a sonogram it was discovered that its was not a clot – but ruptured cyst of some kind.

    I have a program that wants to be upgraded ut am waiting til Mercury is behaving better. Also during this time I got a message from an old love that was lovely.

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