The Ladder Writing Dream

This synchronicity comes from Nancy Pickard. Shortly after we picked her up from the airport today (Dec 7), she related a dream she had.
A writer friend in the dream burst into song. Her voice was beautiful. But when Nancy awaken the only things she recalled from the dream were the words ladder and writer.

For some reason, she Googled the two words and found a book called “Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing” by Helene Cixous. She’d never heard of the book, but has already ordered it! So have we. We’ll report back!

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8 Responses to The Ladder Writing Dream

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jacob's ladder was my first thought when she told me the dream. But I was thinking of the Jacobs ladder I used to make as a kid, with a piece of string. I like your insight about stares!

  2. Atrueoriginall says:

    I was shown that words we are given pertain to our own personal life in some fashion and that a Google search would not have been my action. A dictionary would have been certainly but not Google.

    Ladder could have an entirely different meaning in her life that would have put ladder, writer together.

    Ladder to me would probably be Jacob's Ladder for instance. Jacob had visions and hears speech in his dream, which is exactly what she was doing – dreaming.

    All things are made easy and I see that as being something we would just sit back and dwell on in our own personal life.

    The exception to that would be are stares. If you find yourself staring at something, after you shake off the stare, you're suppose to take a longer look at what it was you were looking at and how it pertains.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, I like this, too, Nat. You were right.

  4. Natalie says:

    works for me!YAY

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We've change the comment format after Natalie mentioned she couldn't post. Let's see how this one functions!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    After seeing the Three Step book, Nancy ended up reading a book that arrived in the mail that day. Interestingly, it's called, The Three Only Things, by Robert Moss, a book mentioned here awhile back.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I tried to get up 4 short synchros today – including your brennan one – but the post was messed up. So I've got to figure out how to make it better and repost it!

  8. Nancy says:

    I did the same thing with Barbara Brennan – I bought her book yesterday. Sometimes you need to listen to those little signposts.

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