More Word Verifications

Word verifications for blogs often produce some interesting synchronicities. I’ve been collecting more of them and most of these are self-explanatory.What’s puzzling is how they are created? Is there some nerd sitting over there in the Google offices making them up? As much as I like this image, it’s more likely that the verifications are totally automated.

Or maybe not.

At any rate, when you get these weird little ditties, take as screenshot and send  them to us. Thanks!

– Trish

Here, Gypsy is thanking someone. “Grasci” sounds a lot like Italian for thanks.

 This one is hard to read. The commenter wrote: “I cry foul. The tin soldier falls into the fire with the ballerina and becomes a tin heart. ” The word verification for that one? Soldier.

Here, Gypsy was talking about something being “nearly identical.” The word verification looks a lot like “copycat.”

This was a funny one. I was commenting on Vanessa’s blog, about the steps she’s taking concerning the nonfiction book she’s working on. The word sounds like “dream made,” which the publication of her book would undoubtedly be.

Under a pot called Quantum Leap, Gypsy was commenting on Rob’s comment. As Gypsy noted, “We all know what barrium is, right?”

Here, the comment was about someone’s tea. Foodu was the word verification.

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5 Responses to More Word Verifications

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gizer!!? Like, "geezer?" That one's funny. A trickster lurking in the word verification shadows!

  2. Vanessa says:

    Thank you for highlighting my blog, and yes the book will indeed be a dream made true. Coolness. 🙂

    PS: My verification for this is "gizer." ??? hehee

  3. Nancy says:

    It happens all of the time to me – next time I'll copy it and send it along.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey lady – just in between stuff here and couldn't stand not checking to see what's shakin' over your way – neat fun post!!! ya'll have a great day!

  5. Shadow says:

    i agree, sometime these word verifications are downright freaky!

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