Phenomena with Alexis

Our friend Alexis did the audio recording for our book Phenomena. Her   podcast, Higher Journeys, covers all the stuff we love here on The Mystical Underground.


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8 Responses to Phenomena with Alexis

  1. Darren B says:

    Trish, how about having a chat on your podcast with Paul Davids, the director of the Anne Strieber produced movie starring Whitley and Michael Shermer –
    That was a great movie I thought … and can you ask Whitley, or Paul what streaming services have the second movie available now on to view?
    And how about asking Michael Shermer to come on your show to explain why he doesn’t believe in supernatural phenomena … anymore?
    Paul Davids says he and Shermer are good friends, so you could get him on through Paul maybe?
    But keep it on a friendly level without going all Alex Tsakiris on poor old Michael 😉
    Richard Dolan would be a good guest to have too, but I’d like you to tackle him about the supernatural, not so much all of the UFO stuff we have heard him talk about over the years.
    Richard talks to Alex about the lights in his house going on and off when his father had just passed away and hinted at a heap of other synchromystic stuff that has happened to him in his life in this recent You Tube –
    That’s the stuff I want to hear about from Richard, not the same old same old UFO stuff.
    Sorry about hitting you with all of those questions above, but I just had to ask 🙂
    And no, I’m not going to start up my own podcast to get all those guests on to have a chat with me, or come on as a guest on any podcast shows 🙂

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Great ideas, Daz. Can you be our booking agent?! Dolan is on our list. I’ll ask Whitley about the movies. Maybe something like this could be live, so people can call in with questions. Skype’s connection has been iffy these days, so we may switch to zoom.

      • Darren B says:

        I wish Richard Matheson was still alive to have on your show.
        He was in that movie talking about his book ‘What Dreams May Come’ (the book that was made into the movie starring Robin Williams) .
        I found an old 2010 podcast interview today where Richard Matheson was talking about his writing career and inspirations.
        The interview is on this website, if you scroll to the bottom –
        Ironically in that 2010 podcast interview at around the 37 minute mark the interviewer ask Richard about his thoughts on suicide.
        And of course we all know now how Robin took his own life on August 11th, 2014.
        It was an interesting podcast find for a number of reasons for me, which I might try to explain in a future post.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          I love everything he wrote and was involved in. A true original.

          • Darren B says:

            I reckon Susan Sarandon would make a good guest, too.
            If you are still in touch with her that is.
            She was in a fictious movie about synchronicity called ‘Jeff, Who Lives at Home’.
            Plus she starred in ‘The Hunger’ next to David Bowie, based on one of Whitley Strieber’s books.
            It would be interesting to get her take on her own meaningful coincidences in her acting career.
            And I see that she is going to starring in ‘Butterfly in the Typewriter’ the story of troubled author John Kennedy Toole and his struggle to bring his comic masterpiece “A Confederacy of Dunces” to print.
            That was an interesting book with a cursed history and should make for an interesting movie I think.

      • Cheryl says:

        I quite like that movie as well, Trish. The Life After Life Project. Tubi did have both films when I sent you the first for that essay you were considering. It’s got ads, however.

        I didn’t know Michael Schermer was blowing off the paranormal. Most of it is pretty mainstream, it seems to me. Sometimes it’s like politics. You get tired of resistance from the opposing point of view. I certainly know what that feels like.

  2. Cheryl says:

    I believe Alexis is right. People are more intuitive, more empathic, more visionary than they were 20 years ago. This is not of interest to everyone, but it’s the exception rather than the rule to have no innate extrasensory perception. Empathy’s numbers are growing as well but it’s a painful gift and I think of it as a kind of growth medium for the others. You would want your seers and diviners to have empathy. It sounds like Rob has a useful precognitive gift. Not being reactive when you lose something like a wallet is a huge part of being able to receive. For him it was an inconvenience and not a tragedy. So he was open to reassurance when it came. It’s easy to let worry cloud your metaphysical judgment.

    Nice upbeat perspective in this chapter but all your writing has this charmed quality to it. It’s in your podcasts as well.

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