Los Dos Amigos

Nala, the black cat on the left, was a Christmas present from Megan in 2018.Our neighbor, Annette and her daughter, Maddie, were Nala’s foster parents.

Beowulf on the right – whom I call Beo – came from my sister, Mary. She’d rescue him and his sisters 5 years ago, when they were feral. The three of the lived in her huge cellar for the next 5 years.

In February of 2019, I think it was, Mary and I met in Orlando and Beo rode in a carrier for the entire 6 hours it took my sister to get to Orlando. Two days later, Beo made a three-hour car trip to our home.

He spent his first 10 days under the bed, coming out only at night to eat and use the litter box. But gradually, he started exploring, as cats invariably do, and he and Nala hit it off. Then he started going outside, acquainting himself with our yard and the fence between our place and Annette’s.

During this past year of the pandemic, Beo has discovered a fondness for sleeping outside on some nights, especially when the weather is nice.  He doesn’t go far. Nala usually comes in. She likes the comfy couch or the foot of our bed. But for Beo it’s  just, you know, the freedom of it all!

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