Alexa Speaks

Last night (April 20)  just at midnight I finished work on a book proposal that Trish and I are doing called: Reports from the Mystical Underground that melds thoughts and ideas – especially about the shift underway – from our podcast guests. I turned off my light and was in the kitchen when Trish was trying to turn off the sound she thought she heard from the television. Then she realized the voice she heard was coming from my darkened room.

I walked back and  the Alexa AI on my desk was talking. What was being said was familiar sounding, something about harmony and balance, I think. It was as if a related version my thoughts from the proposal were now flowing out of Alexa. But that wasn’t exactly it. I asked Alexa, “What is this?” She responded: “It’s The Reluctant Messenger, by Candice Sanderson.”

Wow, that was strange. I have her book on Kindle, but I didn’t think I had the  audio. This morning I checked her book on Kindle and it says “Tap to Download Audio,” meaning  it hasn’t been downloaded. But yet, there it was being read on Alexa at midnight. Candice is mentioned in the proposal, but  I hadn’t spoken her  name aloud to Trish. So Alexa couldn’t have picked it up that way. Strange and interesting!

I think it shows how the other side, non-physical beings seems to be capable of manipulating the digital realm to reach us and teach us!

I told Candice about it and she responded: “I LOVE how our angels and guides lead us —sometimes literally in the dark—to show us there is light at the end of the tunnel.”

Candice then went on to create a YouTube video about this electronic synchronicity. Here it is.



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16 Responses to Alexa Speaks

  1. Darren B says:

    On the subject of AI technology and synchronicity, there’s a guy named Joshua Lengfelder who is the CEO of an iPhone app called ‘Randonautica’ which gives you a random coordinate to go to in order to try and generate SIGNificant coincidenceS –
    Maybe he would make a good guest to have a chat with on ‘The Mystical Underground’ ?
    My son and I tried the app out one night coming home from the cinema, with surprising results in hindsight –

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Will check it out! Thanks, Daz! A book oyu may enjoy: Dreamer: 20 years of psychic dreams. Andy Paquette. He’ll be next week’s guest. His first 2 chapters are mind-blowing.

  2. Adele says:

    I like her comment, “sharing is caring.”

  3. Cheryl says:

    I like that idea. If dice can do it, what’s stopping the rest of us?

  4. Darren B says:

    Didn’t Albert Einstein say something like,
    “Can dice play God with the universe?” 😉

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