Waking Life As a Dream


I’ve been reading Robert Moss’s superb book, The Three “Only” Things, Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination. It was recommended by someone in a comment and I apologize for not being able to remember who it was. But whoever you are, thank you!Once you start this book, it’s difficult to put down. In the coincidence section, Moss’s approach to interpreting a synchronicity is “that incidents in waking life speak to us exactly like dream symbols.” Here’s one of the best synchronicity in this section.
Shortly before the stock market crash of 1987, Moss was in the restroom of a plane and happened to drop a wallet into the toilet. It contained his credit card and checks from a brokerage account he had at the time. He rescued the wallet just before it swirled down the toilet. “Had this been a dream, I might have written a one-liner like: If you’re not careful, your stock market investments will go down the toilet.”

At the time, he wasn’t fully aware of synchronicity. “I didn’t harvest the message, neglected to take the appropriate action to limit the risk to my brokerage account – and saw a large percentage of my net worth go down the toilet.”

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21 Responses to Waking Life As a Dream

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    too too funny, guys and girls!!! but palin gives such fodder!!!
    doncha know!!!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Palin is an idiot. If she wants to live in her fantasy land where Buicks are bestsellers, well, go for it, doncha know.

  3. Sansego says:

    It just made me mad that Palin fans are so "patriotic" about America that they can't even admit that Honda and Toyota are best selling cars in our country. They have to pull a Buick out of their hat and it lacks credibility because I rarely see a Buick. Why not say a Ford? That's the American car I see the most of (a Ford F-150). But a Buick? Palin fans love to live in ignorance, I guess.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow. Three days to see a Buick! I guess that really is a statement about the state of the American car industry!

  5. Sansego says:

    I recently did an experiment on a Buick, because I had gotten into an argument with a Sarah Palin fan about the best selling car in America. I said that it was Honda, the Palin fan said it was a Buick. I couldn't remember the last time I saw a Buick on the streets, so I made an experiment to look for one. It took me about three days, but I finally did see one when I least expected to!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy, I should try traffic lights. We have a horrendous one a quarter mile from the house. Side street onto a thoroughfare, and it takes forever to change. I sometimes bring along stuff to do, but that can be a mistake too, because twice recently I've missed the short green lite and had sit thru two long ones!

    I'm better with parking spaces!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee – i've not known anyone else who did the thing with clouds!!! fun, isn't it???

    do you do traffic lights, too? [uh, make them change, not dissipate!] 🙂

    i've not yet read the book, but do a couple of things that sound similar to the hat experiment discussed – i do numbers on license plates when i'm out and colors of cars at intersections –

    neat post – and another book to grab! thanks for mentioning it!

  8. terripatrick says:

    Personally, I don't have any down the toilet stories to share.

    I'm in a different place right now, rather absorbed in my Christmas project for my daughters. It's one I've known I had to do – for years – this is the year I'm doing it. I'm sorting and organizing boxes of photos into albums for each of them. It's a much bigger project than I expected! But I have 4 daughters and lots of duplicate pictures.

    Anyhow, I started with the youngest daughter's album and was able to cheat because she's still got stuff (and pictures) stored in her old room. (She moved out last year.) The whole album sort of created itself and took it into directions I hadn't expected. Which was cool. It was done and I was happy with it, so I wrapped it up so she could take it home with her yesterday when she arrived on a surprise, random, visit here. She won't be home for Christmas and I wanted her to have a gift to unwrap that morning. If she keeps it wrapped until then. 🙂

    But the second album I chose to work on was for our second daughter. She was born on 4/20/82 at 11:22am and I hemorrhaged and almost died at her birth. I know now these are significant number messages – in relation to choices made. It was not an NDE experience but very clear and different.

    So it was fascinating that as I was reaching the end of this album, with only a few pages left to fill, I suddenly hit a brick wall.

    I accept those blocks, and closed the album. I had the family newsletter to work on. This is a big deal to my girls and something family and friends always tell me they look forward to getting. While I do have a background in marketing and am a writer, I'm still secretly amused at how many people tell me, at random times during the year, about their interest in my annual holiday updates.

    So I worked on our annual holiday update, it's a week long process for me and yes, it's pretty sharp and I'll be posting it to my website soon. Then, from dream fragments and other urges, I went out to my office this evening and started looking for newsletters from years past. I had attempted to print out stuff from files. I'm someone who knows enough about computers that I refuse to let them master me. But what I was attempting tonight was more than I wanted to face. Instead I just wanted to put my feet up and have a glass of wine.

    But I went out to my office instead, and figured I'd look around. It's fun that some of the places I chose to look, also felt like the wrong places to look. And yet, I found more than I imagined and in all the wrong places. I found family newsletters that date back to 1990. What an awesome legacy I can now add to my daughters Christmas present this year.

    Synchronicity has so many layers past the cool coincidence occurrence. That's just the beginning. But – begin.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Your question about why the 'hat trick' works is somewhat like the question about why some people can dissipate clouds. On long drives, I often pick one out–usually a small one–and focus on making it disappear. It usually happens within five minutes.

    With the larger ones, I try to cut them in half, and that usually works, too. So the question then is whether or not the effects would happen without my focusing.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just ordered two more of Moss's books. Like you, Sansego, I tried one of his experiments today at Barnes and Noble. But that hat thing – wow. Impressive!

  11. Sansego says:

    I read this book last year and loved it! I even took up one of his suggestions for an experiment in which I envisioned seeing a woman with a certain colour hat (I picked purple) before going out to run errands. When I saw one wearing a purple hat, I moved on to another colour (green), and then a pink hat. I was out for a couple hours and each time found someone wearing a hat of the colour I envisioned seeing. I have no idea if this was a matter of my eye screening for a certain colour hat or if I did manipulate myself into the paths of these various hat wearers at the right time.

    The author was in Portland two weeks ago and I was planning to go to his lecture, but there was another event that happened the same night that ran later than I thought, so I missed out. I was bummed about it. I love his book. Its one I try to reference frequently.

  12. simply again says:

    but since Rob and Trish where nice enough to run there list of books about this Matrix concept of synchronicity on the day they did
    "12-3-57", to many coincidences, and since they are decent enough to not be afraid of other books on the subject,, how bout I tout a guy whose given the boy a little phone time, guy's got vet. bills.. Craig Bell and his "Comprehending Coincidences", went to my local Mayors academy… think it was eye, he humbly say's

  13. simple simon says:

    page "108" the pick up sticks

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, good grief, now i'm trying to remember the last thing i dropped into a toilet!!! the thing i most often have problems with in terms of "lavatories" is jewelry – especially taking rings off to wash my hands –

    anyway, just waiting on another layer of paint to dry on one canvas so thought i'd drop by your good vibrations place here for a moment!

    have a great day –

    oh, rob – neat explanation for nancy's husband –

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy, you might approach it with him as a choice. Think of it as subjective. In other words, he can dismiss a coincidence as meaningless, or look into it as synchronicity, and explore its possible meanings. Hope that helps.

  16. Nancy says:

    I've been trying to explain to my husband the difference between synchronicity and coincidence. It has been an ongoing discussion. I don't believe in coincidence and he doesn't understand how all coincidences can be a synchronicity.

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Dr William Gibbs sent this comment through email, so we're including it here. We have a post on his book coming up in a couple of days.
    A good example of a synchronicity … only from my perspective this particular synchronicity was not the dreamers' but was instead was owned by the dream interpreter who had their shrewd dream interpretation validated by the subequent facts. This perpspective is parallel to my understanding of Jung's description of his seminal golden scarab synchronicity with his patient also associated with a significant dream.

    It might be true that this synchronicity was critically important to his patient. It resulted in a breakthrough of anima purportedly leading to a major transformation of her personality. But it's most definitely assured that it was a life defining event for Jung who crystallized his – up to that time – unsynthesized theory of synchronicity.
    Dr. Gibbs mentioned in his email that Jung never gave a precise date for the scarab incident that launched his search into synchronicity. But I found references that point to 1930.
    – Trish

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny, Toumai!

  19. Toumai says:

    odd, a couple of days ago I bought Cath a new money belt to use while working the craft shows. She found it a little awkward because it's designed to attach on her belt which caused her to almost lose it down the toilette. Thus began many recount of lost articles down the toilett… and yes, I once had to fish a wallet from the toilett …but never a set of teeth :-D(-;

  20. Ji says:

    I have come cross the same book, life as a waking dream, great way to look at life…

    This site is awesome!


  21. Jeff says:

    Interesting concept!

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