Dreams, Myths, and Synchronicity

In the early 1990s, we experienced several changes in our careers that resulted in having to look for new publishers. Since we write full-time, this sort of change meant that no income was coming in. We were scrambling.

Our  agent was sending out proposals, but so far, no one had made an offer. One of the publishers who had my material (Trish) was Hyperion, a Disney company. I felt increasingly anxious about the situation and asked for a dream that would shed some light on the situation.

On January 16, 1992, I dreamed:“I am floating to earth in a hot air balloon or on a parachute, I’m not sure which. I realize I’m actually looking at a photo taken by a reporter and that the picture is on the front of a magazine that says NIKE in big red letters.”

The next morning, I did some research on Nike. In pre-Google days, that meant a trip to the library. Nike was the Greek goddess of victory, known specifically as the Winged Goddess of Victory. In some references, Nike and Athena were supposedly once considered to be one and the same. I took this to mean that I would “be victorious” in finding a new publisher, a comforting reassurance. But which publisher?

I looked up Hyperion and found out that in ancient Greece, he was known as Helios Hyperion, the sun god. Over time, he gradually became identified with Apollo, the god of light. I reasoned that since Athena and Apollo were two of the twelve Olympian gods – allies –I might have a good shot at selling my proposal to Hyperion.

Sure enough, that happened on February 25, 1992, five weeks after this dream.This dream could qualify as a precognitive dream, except that I asked specifically for a dream that would reassure me. I got that. But why was the dream so metaphorical, so complicated?

To this day, I don’t know. As Mona Lisa Schultz wrote in Awakening Intuition, dreams alert us to all the potential choices we have.  And the language of dreams “is unique to each of us.”

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20 Responses to Dreams, Myths, and Synchronicity

  1. Toumai says:

    Thanks for the affirmation terrepatrick. And Megan, to be human is to dance. Life is a series of rhythms and patterns. Humans produce music and various arts because nature evolved in us a great joy and propensity to reproduce and accentuate the patterns we desire whether it be in the form of dance or the A-bomb. It all comes full circle to survival.
    I'm no expert on Darwin and the many approaches made as he came to the theory most famous for. I know that his educational background was in theology—he studied to be a priest. So I imagine there was quite a lot churning going on regarding evolution (which could be why he experienced a variety of illnesses during his adult life).
    I don’t think that Darwin wanted his discovery to threaten preconceived notions but he knew that it inevitably would. He didn’t want to ostracise himself from those he loved… or to be considered Satan’s right hand man. He simply revealed the patterns and puzzle pieces found within and without the earth and then joined them to reveal a magnificent picture on our evolutionary past. Darwin’s theory does not disprove a deity, but it seriously questions preconceived notions about this deity- ie: that the earth was not ‘literally’ made in 7 days (as we know it). Today many Christians have been able to adjust their beliefs in lieu of the insurmountable proof, but still others do not.
    Personally, I go by what I know. I know that it rains and shines on all. I know that the tools exist in which we can survive and grow. I know that big challenges in the past have threatened life’s precarious edge of existence on earth and big challenges will come again… so with this knowledge, where are we with the tools?
    So, with that said, I’m all for that evolutionary leap to our consciousness that you refer and I suspect that that is why we are here today on this particular dance floor.

  2. terripatrick says:

    To Megan: We are dancers in choice with human feet to touch on mother earth.

    To Toumai: Keep exploring the duality between internal and external, spirit and flesh. Both are beautiful and in perfect balance.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    "Are we human or are we dancers?"

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    There are some holes in Darwinism, just as you can drive a truck through the holes in dogmatic Biblical creationism. Darwinism overlooks the role of consciousness and fails to recognize that it preceded physical existence, rather than the other way around.

    In essence, we are spiritual beings experiencing a human existence, rather than physical beings seeking spiritual awareness. The role of consciousness accounts for evolutionary leaps that defy the step-by-step approach of Darwinism.

  5. Toumai says:

    I'm not surprised that you aren't able to simply "roll around" in the concept and you aren't the only ones, it's a lot to chew.

    Trust me, I didn't simply come to the theory overnight and when I did, it wasn't entirely with open arms. In general I'm very much a private person and I like my world that way. Now I have to consider… well, a sidekick. Butt, with that having been said, above this I am a curious, critical thinker in search of the truth and so willing to turn over even some of the biggest stones even if it means wallowing in the mud.

    During the last 8+ years I've had to rethink many aspects of my world… discard much and build anew. In time, I became thoroughly 'accepting of' the idea (note I did not say 'comfortable with'). Realities of life can't simply be questioned away because we are not comfortable with them. But still, this is a dilemma with humans. Some Christians for instance, who take the creation account in the bilble literally can't accept Darwin's theory on the evolution of the species despite the surmountable proof. Butt this does not mean that evolution is not a reality.

    Sometimes, a new discovery will threaten our preconcieved notions and thus 'our' organized world so profoundly that we simply can't wrap our minds around it.

    Not many people today could honestly say that they would want to have children who are conjoined twins like the Hensel's or a child who is intersexed but we also know that this does not mean that they don't exist. If we allow their unique stories to seep into our hearts and minds, we will see their beauty and be more open to questioning preconcieved notions and we would be more open to change and more accepting of "wings" (metaphorically speaking) that in some respects are a little awkward, unsightly and new … but have the potential to save our butt).


  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I like your interpretation, Terri. I did 3 books with Hyperion, which was a fledgling company then, and none of them sold into paperback. But the hardbacks got reviews, so when I went looking for a new publisher (and a new agent, that's another story), I had good reviews to take with me.

    I learned, from this dream and the subsequent experiences, that the order in the universe is truly remarkable. Things lined up. I ended up in the right place, at the right time.

    Toumai – I'm with you on the power of the unconscious, but just can't quite wrap my head around the idea that we all have an inner twin. & hey, like you, I'm a Gemini. We're represented by the twins. I should be able to dive into this concept, roll around in it, but I still feel it's just one piece in a much larger puzzle and worldview.
    – Trish

  7. terripatrick says:

    One thing I love about requesting insight and affirmation is that we get the information needed, at that time, for us to move forward. There have been many times when I felt a strong belief in something, which had awesome value at that time, yet later, the same insight meant something totally different because I had a experiences that changed the flavor, or new insights that shifted the truth.

    For example, when I saw NIKE, I immediately thought of the footwear campus where I worked for a few years. So the impression I had was cushioned foundation and fleet of foot. When I saw Helios, my first impression was helium – the stable air for the soaring balloon. (Hydrogen was the original and explosive gas used.) The point is, even though my images in 2009 regarding your dream in 1992 are so different – the message is still the same, basically; on the right track and ready to run, stable gas and ready to soar.

  8. Toumai says:

    Rob, this is definitely a road less travelled.

    First of all some of what you say makes sense -"as above the same below" for the simple fact that they (the inner world) and we (the outer world) reside in the same body and so naturally, also the same world and universe and in that respect we are interdependent.

    The theory that I postulate delves into the very real possibility that the inner world came about via a conjoined twinning process. Abigail and Brittany Hensel serve as a perfect example that lends support since they are two individuals who happen to be near perfectly conjoined. In other words they only "appear" to have a single body with two heads but in fact each head controls one side of the body. The reason why we know any of this is because the single appearing body just happens to have two heads and so the two separate minds can express this fact via their two separate mouths.

    But here is an interesting scenario, what if Abigail and Brittany’s heads were perfectly joined to match their body. We know that many types of conjoined twins exist, so yes I can definitely go down this road from simple observation, one does not need a medical degree although knowledge here lends credibility as well(ie: some individuals have “dual” blood groups, intersexed individuals, etc).

    In days prior to caesarean section, conjoined twins surviving (as with the mother) would have been slim, unless of course if nature had created a perfectly conjoined twin much like the Hensel's except that the two heads also would be joined in the same manner as the rest of the body.

    This scenario would enabled mother and child to survive the birthing process. Now, the question is how would two individuals such as this speak when they share one half of the same mouth? Over a long process, natural selection would perfect the necessary combination, us, homo sapien sapiens (interesting doubling of the name!!).

    What we term as our unconscious mind are individuals independent from us and that is why much of the dreams we have seem separate… because they are. They can infuence us and that is no doubt why we have survived when other homids have not.

    So the question is how would they finally reveal to us their existence? By bringing about our increased knowledge and by phenomena such as lucid dreams and sychronicity.

    I think the inner world is not just attempting to achieve a greater unity between our two worlds for our joint future survival, they are desperate. As I have said before, my sense is that time is of the essence.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Autumn! I suspect we'll keep this up as long as we have synchronicities to post!

    Deb – do you keep a journal of your dreams?

  10. Autumnforest says:

    Back again…I'm going down my list to leave a comment on every blog I follow to tell them what I love about their blog. Yours is very unique and very interesting. I love the kind of people who read and comment here. You get discussions going that are so philosophical and interesting. I hope you keep it up.

  11. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    I always pay attention to my dreams. Usually very shamanistic and so fascinating, especially when I am going through a lot of deep exploration. Unfortunately I have a hard time making sense of them most times!

  12. lakeviewer says:

    I pay attention to my dreams, as my mother did. She would warn us of dangers she saw in dreams; and invariably, what she described came about.

    The scientific community tells us that dreams act as sorting bins, pictorial language to identify needs, wishes,and frustration, thoughts still in formation, not clearly verbalized.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Tomai, I don't quite understand your comment that the inner world is independent of us. It seems to me that it's quite the opposite. The inner and the outer are inter-connected, and interdependent. As above, so below.

    But in our everyday lives we tend to look at everything as duality: male/female, love/hate, good/evil, beginning/end, self/other, mind/matter,the observed/the observed, etc. But that obscures the underlying reality of non-duality that the Eastern mystics have espoused for millennia and that quantum science now recognizes.

    As one physicist put it (can't recall who right now): "We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively as collapsed particles of consciousness from the objective consciousness wave."

    So duality is an illusion because if we accept it, we avoid recognition of a deeper reality.

    But maybe that's not what you're talking about. 😉

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Many of my dreams have this metamorphical and symbolic quality to them. But the precog dreams are usually very straightforward. That was what puzzled me. I should've taken the NIKE sign as a sign to take up within the dream.

  15. Autumnforest says:

    I've often found that my pre-cog dreams have a different feel than other dreams. Other dreams, things happen randomly, you don't feel apart of a body per se, you just go with the action. When I have a pre-cog dream, I'm completely invisible to others and unable to interact, as well strange things pop up like giant signs like "Nike" that make me almost lucid thinking "why is that there?" Very cool set of circumstances.

  16. Toumai says:

    Yes, why so complicated?!! I have asked the same question and in playing with a possible answer I've concluced that it's because "they"- the inner world of dreams/synchronicity want us to understand without a shadow of doubt, that they are independant of us.

    Think about it for a moment. If your dream would have simply flashed in big red letters the word 'Hyperion' you would naturally assume that this was 'your' own subconscious mind at work and not having come from an entirely independant source.

    The information delivered to you in your dream involved research you were not familiar with. This is an indication that the source learns separate from you. This is also an indication that the individuals within have a uniqe means of communication amongst themselves that we in the outer world have been oblivious to. Is this so hard to fathom when we know for instance, that elephants communicate using sound frequencies (inaudible to us) which they sense/hear through their feet.

    For some reason, it seems important for this inner world to reveal themselves (coming out of the closet if you will) and they have made long hard preparation for the great finale.

    Trish, of course if my theory is correct, we need to rethink old preconcieved notions. So what else is new under the sun?


  17. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    "But why was the dream so metaphorical, so complicated?" Why not? You had victory and an Olympian god in one dream. At the same time, it was a good training for ideas and dreams to come.Precognitive dreams can't have instructions "you should do this and that" because you could "cheat". You can verify precognition only after things have happened.

  18. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    fantastic story! love the clues and trails to wander that your dream brought! incredible, the way of our dreams, isn't it?!!

    oh, and on natalie's comment above about the moldavite – i no longer wear my ring to sleep every single night because of the deeply intense dreams from which i awake startled and confused [uh, well, more confused than usual, that is] 😉

    – but i do wear it every every day – absolutely love the increased everything it brings!

  19. Shadow says:

    the floating, maybe because you were adrift between publishers? the photo on the magazine, maybe that it's been written? and nike you've explained???

  20. Natalie says:

    I have been having some doozies since I started wearing the Moldavite necklace.They have all been super positive, which is cool, seeing as I feel so dreadful all the time lately.Still….. I have faith. 😀

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