On June 24 AT 1:25 A.M., the collapse of Champlain Towers South in Surfside, Florida, killed at least 90 people and as of July 11, 31 are still missing.

However, we learned that a black cat named Binx, who lived on the 9th floor of the condo, survived and was reunited with his owner.

From CBS online: “The Gonzalez family and several of their pets were in their ninth floor apartment in Champlain Towers South the night of June 24 when the building suddenly collapsed in the middle of the night. At least two members of the family were seriously injured in the collapse one is still missing.  Several of their pets also went missing. But on Thursday, exactly two weeks after the 12-story building fell, they were reunited with one of their pets, a small black cat named Binx.”

Binx was spotted by a volunteer, Levine Cava,  with the local animal shelter, The Kitty Campus, which posted flyers on its website about the Gonzalez family’s missing pets. The family had two dogs and two cats, including Binx. Cava found Binx near the rubble while  she was feeding stray cats.

Here’s the synchro, at least for us. In mid-June, Megan adopted a black kitten and named him Binx. There’s Megan’s Binx, eating from a bowl larger than he is, while big dude Indy stands watch.


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12 Responses to BINX, THE SURVIVOR

  1. Darren B says:

    I had a Binx synch last night from the book I’ve been currently reading that I’ll write a post about soon, but I realized that my little black cat appeared to me in mid-June the same time Meghan adopted her cat, when I read this post I wrote in mid-June –

  2. Cheryl says:

    I just met a black cat, myself. He’s my next door neighbor, goes by Skeech. Champlain Binx was lucky to find his family again, Megan’s Binx is lucky to have Megan and if Dazz names his part time cat Binx, luck will have appeared three times as a black cat. Cats are wonderful little beings, Dazz. All of Binx will be lucky. Skeech would be luckier as Binx, I’m sure of it.

  3. Adele says:

    That’s a pretty unusual name, Binks. Cat kisses to both Binks. XOX

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