Have you ever witnessed a Karen incident? These videos  seems to typify who and what she is. They capture what has become an archetype.

I’m invariably appalled when I see these Karen videos. These women, whoever they are, seem to have a sense of entitlement, some serious mental issues, and have bought into Trump’s Big Lies about Covid, vaccines (never mind that trump and melania were both vaccinated) the election, the insurrection, and every other lie he has ever uttered.

According to FactChecker, those lies during his time in the WH add up to a total of 30,573 false or misleading claims. That’s a polite phrase for LIES.

Or, remember the Central Park Karen?

These women are embarrassments to our gender. The one entitled White Tears is especially reprehensible in her screaming tirade meltdown and the way she sinks to the floor like she has fainted. Moments later, she lifts her head from the floor and starts her tirade again. I mean, c’mon, ladies, WTF? Didn’t your mom or sister or friends or partner ofryour kids ever tell you how absurd you look acting like a Karen?

So who are Karen’s male counterparts?  Where are the Kens? No, Ken was with the Barbie doll. Let’s call these guys Kevins. The other day, I witnessed a particular archetype of   Kevin. As I turned into a convenience store lot to buy a couple of scratch-off tickets, this big white truck roared up behind me, so close to my back bumper than I could see the driver’s face in my rear view mirror.

My first thought? Uh-oh. A jerk. So I intentionally slowed down and he got angry about it and pulled in sharply to my right and parked directly in front of the store. I parked and got out and saw him hurrying into the store, a big beefy guy. My second thought: He’s a trumpie, keep your distance.

I got in line behind him and made sure I stayed 6 feet away. I was masked, he wasn’t. “Pack of Marlboro reds,” he says.

The clerk at this store is a good-natured Latina. She made some comment about “president” and Kevin’s head snapped up. “He’s not my president.”

Here it comes, I thought.

“Trump’s my president.”

I felt like tapping this big guy on the shoulder and setting him straight. But I’m 5’5″ tall, weigh 111 pounds, and I don’t know judo or karati.  I was pretty sure he was armed. So I moved back another few feet. The Latina laughed at something he said and he left with his pack of smokes, his head wrapped around the Big Lie.

I bought my scratch-offs and left. On the way home, I thought about this. A Kevin won’t melt down like a Karen. He might scream and yell, but he won’t sob like the Karen in the second video. A Kevin like this guy would just pull out a gun and start shooting.

But just as Karens don’t come in a single type, neither do Kevins. The second type is likely to be good-looking, charming, and informed. He communicates well, clearly. He might be a politician like Kevin McCarthy who tries to play both sides. He might be a Wall Street dude, a pilot, ex-military, your brother, your grandfather, a man who, to me, seems as brainwashed as any version of Karen.

But this is where we are right now as a nation. Trump’s toxicity has infected the republican party, where Karens and Kevins believe trump will be magically reinstated to the presidency when the Cyber-Ninjas finish their ridiculous recounting of ballots in Arizona and then they or their clones move on to Michigan, Georgia, and… well, you know how it goes. It’s going to happen on the date that the nutcase CEO of My Pillow says it will. I think the date now is August 15. But, well, his date is fluid.

This is how South American countries have ended up in chaos and ruin. Look at Venezuela. Or, farther back, Chile and Argentina. Or, now: look at Cuba. The autocrats in charge cleaned out the country’s bank in the name of the people and forgot a few details – like the necessities of food and medicine and, with Covid, vaccines.

The really disturbing part is that I believed democracy was in peril during trump’s years. Now I realize that was just a dry run. Trump may be more dangerous now than he was when he was president.


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12 Responses to THE KARENS & THE KEVINS

  1. Cheryl says:

    I’m sort of glad I missed this post. My sister’s name is Karen. I don’t know any Kevins. I wonder how all the Donalds of this country feel about their name. I believe that the name itself became less popular after Disney named its iconic duck. I think of all the quacking and it seems to fit our eponymous former leader. Do you remember the cartoon? Donald Duck was not a pleasant character. He had sociopathic tendencies. Tweets are for the lesser obnoxious.

  2. Bruce Hartman says:

    I agree 100% with the comments about Nazi Germany and the Karens & Kens or Kevins. Trump has caused more harm to democracy during his 4 years in office than all our wars combined. He has separated our country to the point where people dislike anyone who is the least bit different than themselves. He is a cult leader and has the Republican party as his acolytes. I never thought it could happen in this country, but the grifter has done it.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      He also made the pandemic worse by ridiculing it and the wearing of masks, suggesting bleach might work as a treatment, and on and on. He’s a heinous man.

  3. Nancy says:

    I’ve started talking to some like-minded family members about leaving the country in 2024 if Trump wins. Nazi Germany started in much the same way as Trump’s version of America. I’m sure many good people said it could never take hold and actually do harm. History proves this false. Just ask ALL of Europe what a madman can do. Trump has demonized anyone that does not agree with him, especially Democrats, and he is 74,000,000 strong now. I don’t plan on being here to see the outcome of four more years of his demented hatred.

    • Trish and Rob says:

      Yeah, Nazi Germany did start in much the same way. Quesiton is: what country will take us?

  4. Darren B says:

    I’m invariably appalled when I see people using Christian names like Karen or Kevin to single out f#cking morons.
    I’m surprised they aren’t calling f#cking morons like these “Karens & Darrins” since these common names rhyme and we have Darrin going back to the old ‘Bewitched’ days acting like a male “Karen” most of the time in the series.
    I should know as I went through school being called “Dustbin” and all those other variations dished out to Darrin in that show.
    My son’s name is Kevin and he couldn’t be any further from this archetype in his actions.
    Why don’t people call a spade a spade when it comes to these people, as in “white f#ckin’ male moron”/ “black f#ckin’ female moron”/”Trumptard”/ “Demotard” … etc.
    I mean how would you feel if the Christian names for these f#cking morons were a “Trish”, “Meagan” or “Rob”.
    I think whoever it was who started calling people “Karens” are just as big, if not bigger f#cking morons than the “Karens” they are trying to belittle.
    Rant over/Darren (not Karen, Kevin, Trish, Rob, Meghan or Darrin) 🙂

    • Trish and Rob says:

      I chose Kevin because it’s two syllables like Karen. I’m not even sure how the karen meme started.No offense intended!

      • Darren B says:

        I’m not offended by what you wrote, I’m just amazed that these PC warriors who take offence at stupid white women are so stupid as to label them with somebody’s Christian name (or whatever the PC BS name is for Christian name these days) such as Karen.
        I know a few people with this name who aren’t impressed with all the press about Karens, and rightly so, I think.
        And let’s be honest, for every white person (and I’m yet to see somebody posting a Black “Karen” going on a stupid rant like that) you can find an equally stupid Black/Asian/Jew/Arab/whatever race of person doing something similar.
        I mean I’ve got white looking skin, but also have some Indian and Jewish DNA and I remember sitting in a government dole office when I was a teenager with a whole group of other “white skinned” people and this Australian Indigenous women walked in ranting like she was mentally unstable, took a look around in some paranoid state of delusion and then yelled at the top of her lungs at us, “WHAT ARE YOU WHITE C#NTS LOKIN’AT?”
        Funny thing is that she was making such a spectacle of herself like those white “Karens” above that people couldn’t help but look at her stupidity or but hear the foul language she was ranting to herself when she walked into what was a peaceful office before she stepped in.
        And when I was a teenager playing soccer for an Italian Australian based soccer club I was often called a “wog” (a derogatory word white Australians would call Italians and Greeks as an insult) because I have olive skin like Italians and Greeks do, even though I don’t have any Italian or Greek DNA.
        My point here is that racism is a two-way street and people of any skin colour shouldn’t be assuming that someone is “white” or “black” on perceived skin colour.
        I read some American journalist rant on about Ash Barty being a privileged “white” tennis player when he perceived some racism going on in the press at Wimbledon.
        Well the laugh was on that dope, because as most Australians know Barty is considered to be an Indigenous Australian tennis player. 🙂
        I know people in Australia who call themselves Indigenous who have whiter looking skin than I do.
        I think all of this shamming in the media between skin colours is just having the opposite effect of bringing people together.
        And then you have Gays calling straight people “Homophobic” if you don’t get on board the Rainbow wagon with them.
        That is as stupid as a Striaght person calling a Gay person “Straightophobic” I think.
        All of this PC BS is just dividing people, not bringing them together.
        It just seems to be a world of Gay vs Striaght/Black vs White/Men vs Women/Vegans vs Carnivores/West vs East/Vaxxer vs Anti-Vaxxer/Religious vs Atheist/Democrat vs Republican/Jew vs Christian vs Muslim, etc, etc.
        The world we live in is just becoming more divided everyday it seems to me.

        • Trish and Rob says:

          You’re absolutely right, Daz. We’ve become the divided nation and the differences are stark. Here, democracy really is under assault. The republicans in state congresses are changing voting laws, doing away with secretary of states and creating laws that put the determination of elections in the states to the party in charge. Hey, sure, let’s overturn the will of the voters and we’ll decide who the winner it. This is how authoritarian governments start. It’s how cuba under Fidel Castro started. It’s how Pinochet seized power in Chile. How Chavez and Madura ruined Venezuela.

          • Darren B says:

            Yeah, and what’s happening in Cuba at the moment?
            The riots are even making it onto the Australian major national prime time news channels.

            • Trish and Rob says:

              The chaos is bad. A Cuban friend – who was an emergency doctor in Cuba and now works for publix (grocery chain) as a cashier – tells me things are very bad. Her husband flew down there to check on family and is now stuck there – no internet, no cell service, no way to communicate with him or her sister. There’s not enough food, not enough medical care, not enough vaccines. People are fed up with 60 plus years of oppression.

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