Happy 38th!

In November 1981, I was teaching English to Cuban refugees through Florida International University in Miami. It was a government-funded program and I was assigned to the Fort Lauderdale office. But it took us three months to find an office because back then the resentment against Cuban immigrants was at a peak.

Once we got settled and classes actually began, we were contacted by a journalist at the Hollywood Sun Tattler who wanted to know if the Cubans were actually learning English.  When the journalist  walked into our office, I thought, Holy shit, I know this guy. It’s difficult to describe this kind of  soul recognition. Yes, it’s visceral, but as soon as you   feel it, you doubt it, write it off to imagination. But it stays there, in the pit of your stomach.

When I went home that evening, I told my roommate I’d just met the guy I was going to marry.

That journalist was Rob.

Five months later, we moved in together.

Today is our 38th anniversary. He thought it was our 35th. But hey, I’ve found that women are better at remembering dates!

For 38 years, we have been creative partners, exploring the areas that interest us, much of it outlier stuff that is slowly making its say into mainstream thought. Pick an oddball topic and we’ve probably written about it – synchronicity, aliens, dreams, meditation, yoga, astrology, divination, magic… Between us, we’ve written more than 60 novels, hundreds of non-fiction books and, during this pandemic, we’ve ghostwritten another eight or ten books.

Our daughter just finished her first novel – Dystopian – and is looking for representation Our podcast,  The Mystical Underground, is 18 months old and a source of connection with other writers and individuals who are exploring different facets of this underground place.

In these 38 years, we’ve been fortunate enough to travel extensively, often in search of answers to the bigger questions about the nature of reality. We’ve grown to love dogs and cats and birds, have  discovered our boundaries as separate human beings, now know what we like and dislike abut each other.

He’s too quiet, I’m the opposite.

He’s a natural skeptic, I’m not.

As a Gemini, I live in my head.

As a Taurus, he lives  through his body, his physicality.

But. Toss us a challenge about the occult, any facet of it, and we’ll run with it.

Happy 38th, Rob!




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10 Responses to Happy 38th!

  1. Jon says:

    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Darren B says:

    With me being more of a cat person I must have skipped over this post thinking it was another dog park adventure.
    Happy 38th guys.
    My marriage only made it to 24 years, so it’s good to see that some hearts do go on … as Celine sings.

  3. Caren says:

    What a great story, bet u could write a book about it . Happy Anniversary!
    Love U guys. ❤️

  4. Dale Dassel says:

    Aw, happy anniversary Rob & Trish! You are so lucky to have found your true soulmates in each other! Congrats on 38 wonder-filled years of happiness together, and here’s wishing you many more years of love & adventure!

    All my very best to you both! 🙂

  5. Adele says:

    Here’s a tiny synchro. Before signing in each morning I consult the I Ching for the day. I got hexagram 38 – changing to 37 , the family. Well I consider you and Rob part of my synchro family. Happy 38banniversary!

  6. Trish and Rob says:

    Ditto! After interviewing Trish, she asked me if I knew what synchronicity was…and we’ve been together ever since.

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