#33, Retreat

The next story is another example of a cluster synchronicity involving the repetition of a number, similar to the story about Maria and the number 14.

Some years ago, we flew out to California and noticed that the number 33 kept cropping up. Aisle 33, seat 33, flight 233. In a period of about seven hours, there were half a dozen recurrences of the number. We didn’t have any idea what it meant. So I finally turned to the I Ching – an ancient Chinese oracle that consists of 64 hexagrams – and looked up hexagram 33. As soon as I saw the title – Retreat – I understood what the number cluster was about.

At the time, my mother was in an Alzheimer’s unit, in room 33. Rob, our daughter, and I were in “retreat” from that situation. We interpreted the synchronicity as confirmation that we had made the right choice in taking a break from the situation.

As Frank Joseph writes in Synchronicity and You, “…Anyone thus confronted by the repetition of a number invariably feels that something important, perhaps even divine, is trying to communicate through the numerical symbol.”

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2 Responses to #33, Retreat

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A fitting, image, Terri. Trish’s mother owned an antique three-legged birthing stool, which we inherited.

  2. terripatrick says:

    Prime numbers that repeat are considered master numbers. The interpretation of the number 3, that resonates with me, is “balance” with the image of the 3-legged stool.

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