Category Archives: #33


Anne Strieber is thorough, a gem. She continues to send emails our way that she and Whitley receive that might pertain to synchronicity. Today, we received an email about a number cluster – 3:33. Jung considered number clusters to be … Continue reading

Posted in #33 | 19 Comments

Synchros, 33, and the Chilean Miners

The 33 Chilean miners are finally being brought to the surface. Huffington Post has live coverage. So we have the 33 miners, it took 33 days for plans to be put into place about how to rescue them, and will … Continue reading

Posted in #33, chilean miners | 10 Comments

33 again

We’ve written a couple of times about synchronicities with the number 33. It’s time for another, this one courtesy of Dan Brown and The Lost Symbol. The novel deals with the Masonic philosophy, and for the Masons, the #33 is … Continue reading

Posted in #33, masons, Numbers | 30 Comments

Lucky 33

When NASCAR driver Kevin Harvick won at Bristol Motor Speedway Saturday, the feat was accompanied by the number 33. Harvick mastered the half-mile oval track with steep inclines in the heart of the Tennessee mountains in car #33. He is … Continue reading

Posted in #33, Numbers | 2 Comments

#33, Retreat

The next story is another example of a cluster synchronicity involving the repetition of a number, similar to the story about Maria and the number 14. Some years ago, we flew out to California and noticed that the number 33 … Continue reading

Posted in #33, Numbers | 2 Comments