The Little Synchros

Recently, I’ve noticed that when I need to know something, the information usually comes to me through synchronicity. The need to know can concern anything – job, relationships, career, kids, pets, any area of my life. Usually, I’ll be going about my business – writing, texting, talking with friends- and suddenly, I realize I have the info I need. Synchronicity has stepped in and provided it.

Here’s a silly example. I do Keratin treatments on my hair – a fancy way of saying that I straighten my hair. So does my friend Arlene. She recently told me her latest Keratin had lasted for 12 weeks. I was amazed. Mine, I said, only last about 8 or 9 weeks. I last had mine done on August 29, so I was at about the 9 week mark. It didn’t feel right to me, but I forgot about it.

A couple days later, I reached for my appointment book to schedule our podcasts for the month and the book fell open to the floor. When I reached down to pick it up, I saw that it was open to the last week in July. In the space for July 29, I had jotted: Angie, hair straighten. That meant my Keratin treatment had lasted nearly 14 weeks, not the 9 I’d thought.

Granted, this synchro doesn’t fall in the mind-blowing category. But my point is that synchronicity zips along through our lives, providing us with information and insights both big and small and everything in between, and we miss it. We aren’t paying close attention. We aren’t mindful. Then something small and quirky like this happens and suddenly, I’m in the synchro groove again.

In the world of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, I’m not sure where this falls. That book was published more than a decade ago and our understanding about the phenomenon has expanded since then. Maybe there are 22 secrets!

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2 Responses to The Little Synchros

  1. Ray G says:

    Little synchros are an almost every day affair if you pay attention. Some people don’t connect one thought to another with any regularity.

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