Amazing Word Game

Here is a truly amazing word game, especially the last part, courtesy of Nancy McMoneagle.


Did you know that, the words “race car” spelled backwards still spells “race car”?

And that “eat” is the only word that, if you take the first letter and
move it to the last, spells its own past tense, “ate”?

And if you rearrange the letters in “Tea Party Republicans,” and add just a few more letters, it spells: “Shut the heck up you free-loading, progress-blocking, benefit-grabbing, resource-sucking, violent hypocrites, and deal with the fact that you nearly wrecked the country under Bush and that our president is black, so get over it.”
Isn’t that interesting?





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20 Responses to Amazing Word Game

  1. anewsoul says:

    Tee hee you got me. I have been playing a lot of online scrabble and so I was right there with you until the end. Good one.

  2. You might be interested in a series of Concrete poetry I did a long time ago – word games at:

  3. Nancy pickard says:

    Haha! Thanks for the ( rueful) laugh.

  4. Funny post! But, there again, maybe not.

  5. mathaddict3322 says:

    NEARLY wrecked the country???? I would pretty much say DID wreck the country! Love the post.

  6. Natalie says:

    Tee heee! Good spellers. 🙂

  7. Darren B says:

    They’re all new ones to me,especially that last one .-)
    I really like the race car one,as that’s one of my prominent dream symbols.

    • Darren B says:

      There were a heap of art pieces scattered around the Byron Bay Writer’s Festival (which I will upload onto my blog) and one was of these huge Scrabble pieces hanging from a tree,but I wasn’t that impressed with it and I’ve never been a huge fan of “Scrabble”
      (maybe because I’m a really poor speller [thank Heavens for ‘Spell Check’] with a limited vocabulary.-)
      ,so I didn’t bother taking a photo of it,even though a nagging little voice said “go on,you might want to show it to somebody for some reason”.
      I just shrugged that little voice off,and carried on taking the photos I wanted to,and thought may be relevant to my visit.
      But,I come here and see this post,and now I wish I had of taken it,so I could show you what it looked like.And that nagging little voice is saying “see,I told you so.Next time you might want to take some advice and take the shot when I tell you to.”
      Apart from that though I think I did pretty well following my intuition over those two days.

      • R and T says:

        Can’t wait to hear about your synchro adventures. Sounds like the trickster was shadowing you about that Scrabble piece!

        • Darren B says:

          There are photos I’ve put up from the festival,if you want to take a look.And I’m in the process of putting more up.
          In one post there is a photo of Marcus coming out of one of the last talks I attended,and one of the first talks he attended.We had a good chat and then I had to get back to Brisbane.It’s a shame he wasn’t there the day before,as I was spending the night in Byron,but he had just arrived.We were like ships passing in the twilight…it was extremely lucky we crossed paths.
          I didn’t realize how tall he was until I was standing next to him.He dwarfed me (if I can use that politically incorrect term) and I’m 5 foot 7 inches,but he was quite a bit taller.He could easily be a basketball player.
          It was good meeting him in person and having a chat.

          • R and T says:

            Wow, how great! I’m off to take a look at your photos!!

            • Darren B says:

              I just finished uploading my “artwork pictures” that I took with my cell phone camera on to my blog and noticed the last shot that I put up of the sunset,looking towards the direction of Brisbane seems to have an orb in it…or maybe it’s just the way the sun hit the lens?
              Either way,it’s a bit synchronistically spooky.
              It’s also funny because driving back into Queensland Bob Dylan’s song
              “It’s Not Dark Yet” came on when I was trying to switch between CD to radio stations…and I’ve never really listened to it before,because I have a tendency to skip over those last 5 tracks on disc 2 of “The Essential Bob Dylan”.
              But I was listening now…and since the drive home it has become one of my favourites.
              Oddly enough the song after that one is “Things Have Changed”.
              I wonder if there are messages there for me in all of that,because I feel things have changed quite a bit in the last two days…for the better I hope ?

              P.S. Feel free to re-post the photo.

              • R and T says:

                I saw the art work pics and the one of Marcus – now will go back to look @ the last one. I’d like to do a post on the whole thing, somehow, Daz. Will drop you an e.

              • Darren B says:

                I should have mentioned in the above comment that I was driving back to Brisbane into that setting sun and it was twilight as I got over the Queensland /New South Wales border pretty much when the Bob Dylan song came on.I was going to listen to the radio and hit the wrong buttons which kicked that song into play,after that I just let the disc play through all the tracks over and over until I got back home…It was dark by then .-)
                It was the second last picture I took before leaving the festival and heading home.
                The last picture I took was even more synchronistically weird,but I’ll post that story later…all I will say for now is two words that have figured quite prominently on my blog lately…Inside Out.

  8. Nancy says:

    LOL! Amazing what it spells…

  9. whipwarrior says:

    LOL! I know it’s not quite an anagram, but I’ve always liked saying: Elvis wears evil Levis. 🙂

  10. gypsy says:

    ok ok – i can’t type for LOL LOL LOL!!! toooooo stinkin’ funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and AMEN!!!


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