Ferris Wheel in the Sky



Some Sunday musings. This very odd video looks like a ferris wheel in the sky. It appeared on the news in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Why is it that the news in many other countries reports on stuff like this but the media in the U.S. does not?

If memory serves, the media sort of laughed about the Phoenix sightings in 1997, when hundreds of people reported seeing mysterious lights, Only years later did the Arizona governor at the time admit that he’d seen them too.

Even more to the point, what the heck IS this thing?



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14 Responses to Ferris Wheel in the Sky

  1. Maybe it’s my grandfather. His name was Charles W. Ferris. 🙂

  2. Darren B says:

    Oh…I forgot to mention that Tyto Tony lives in Ingham,Queensland,Australia.
    Where Cyclone Yasi struck at the beginning of the year.
    And this is a link to the “Fig Tree Restaurant” that I dined at on Saturday night;

  3. Darren B says:

    Trish,I was just reading through “Synchronicity and the Other Side” and had just finished reading about Jenean’s (Gypsy’s) Fig synchros on page 146, and thought to myself
    “it was a fig tree in the movie “The Tree” and I had dinner at “The Fig Tree Restaurant” in Byron Bay Saturday night,as the tree there is a fig and reminds me of the movie,which has provided a lot of synchros to me .

    But what really was quite a coincidence was I clicked on a blog in my favorites folder wondering what it was,as I had not clicked on it for ages.All I had to go buy was
    I wondered who Tyto Tony was and when I clicked on it I realized I had used his blog months ago to find out what a Sacred Kingfisher was (not that I knew the name of the bird at the time).And if you look at the “Blogbirds” slide-show on the right you will see two Sacred Kingfishers,one with a fish in it’s beak.
    But look at the post for today “Figbird Gives No Fig for Rivals” and look at that magnificent rainbow photo on the right side-bar.
    I don’t know this guy from a bar of soap,so I haven’t got a clue as to his beliefs,I only stumbled across his blog months ago when the Sacred Kingfisher hit my window and I was trying to identify it,and then bookmarked the page.
    I haven’t been back until today and I found this post;
    The weirdness continues.

    • R and T says:

      But what’s it all mean, Daz??

      • Darren B says:

        I don’t know,yet.
        So far it is just a coincidence,the meaning may come later.I’m just recording the strange coincidences to share with others who may have other strange fig symbols occuring in their life right now.
        If nothing else at least there is a link to some really beautiful bird pictures that this guy takes,and that rainbow picture is one of the best I’ve seen.Plus there is the link to The movie “The Tree” which may entice someone to view it,to which in turn may lead their life in other directions they weren’t heading in.
        Synchronicities usually begin by somebody sharing a strange “coincidence” to others,and then usually that coincidence leads to something meaningful for that other person,as well.
        Maybe the symbol of the fig will prove useful to someone else just reading these links.
        I’ve learned now that if I come across a coincidence like reading about fig preserves,dining at a restaurant which has a huge fig tree next to it…that the restaurant is named after…just a few days ago,and a guy who’s blog I saved in my favourites folder and probably read no more than once,posts a story about a figbird the same day I read the fig story in your book,and has a picture of a beautiful rainbow
        (afterlife symbol),then that is certainly something that gets my attention.And if that nagging little voice tells me this is something to share with others,then I will take the chance and share these coincidental events in the hope it may be of help to others.
        As Paul Kelly sings “From Little Things,Big Things Grow”,and that couldn’t be more appropriate when talking about fig syncs.
        Synchronicity and coincidence are puzzle pieces the universe throws out to us to be kept for future use…something to be laid out on the table,so to speak…so others can help us put the puzzle together.
        Synchros are like a GPS device telling us turn left here,turn right there,go straight ahead here,meet that person there,read that book here,yes that’s right,no don’t do that,do this.
        That’s the way I’m starting to see how syncs work,as guiding devices that nudge you in the right direction along life’s paths to guide you to others on paths similar to your own,even if it is only a once in a lifetime meeting,or a lifelong friendship that it leads to.

  4. Nancy says:

    I’ve been tracking UFO sightings for the last couple of months and their has been an explosion world-wide. I have no idea what this might be, but I think the major media does not talk about UFOs because they have been told not to. It might make the worker bees stop and take notice of their lives, and what else might be hidden from them.

  5. Wonder what it is? I think what happens is that that those in charge just rubbish such sightings and don’t therefore see it as being newsworthy. It’s so easy to say that it’s a fake because something like this could be faked, what with a plain black background. More obvious fakes muddy the waters for genuine sightings.

  6. whipwarrior says:

    Another dark and frustratingly blurry UFO video! Actually, it reminds me of a funny survey that I read on the net years ago, called the Redneck Test. Part of it went like this:

    Number of times you have seen a UFO: ___
    Number of times you have seen Elvis: ___
    Number of times you have seen Elvis in a UFO: ___

    LOL! 🙂

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