Karma Yoga


The term karma yoga typically refers to acts of service to others. I recall one of my first yoga teachers talking about karma yoga after class on days when he was looking for volunteers to stuff envelopes or do other menial tasks for him. But I’d already performed my service for him, bringing him many students.So talk of karma yoga, for me, became a signal to head for the door as quickly as possible.

But I’m using the term here in this somewhat catty post in a slightly different frame of reference. So here’s the story.

There’s a famous yoga teacher in the U.S. who became quite notorious as a womanizer. Actually, there are several of these guys. But the one I’m thinking about was notorious enough to be written about in Yoga Journal  a few years ago in an article about yoga teachers who step across the line and bed their students. And he more or less admitted his transgressions to the interviewer.

Around that time, I remember him saying in a workshop that he could easily quit yoga and go live in a cave in India by himself. Well, that didn’t exactly happen. Not yet, at least. Instead, I now I see him quite often on television advertising mattresses, of all things. There he is seated in a lotus position on a bed, alone, no yoginis in sight.  Hmm. Karma. Synchronicity.
– Rob

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9 Responses to Karma Yoga

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geeee…shades of the twilight zone! wonderful!

  2. therese says:

    OK – looking forward to tomorrow's post….

    This post – as many of yours do – sent me on an internet search of information and brought me to a cool article written years ago. There was message for me in those words. It's something I will muse upon as the calendar changes from one year to the next.

    Also amusing, I have been blocked from using my blog ID to post comments and only my Google one works. This amuses me because I am techno savvy and can bypass so much but haven't tried for a while. So that reaffirms that I need to get with the program again with this digital age.

    my word verification: exuviz
    that means to me – execute your vision 🙂

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    oh my god, musing. That's tomorrow's post. Freak me out some more, ok?

  4. musingegret says:

    This has nothing to do with the post today but I just wanted to post a sync. I was watching Network News (ABC I think) at 5:30 and I **never** watch network news. I caught a story from San Francisco about the sea lions that had been inhabiting Pier 39 down on Fisherman's Wharf. They've all gone away….have been vacating since Thanksgiving. I remarked to hubby that that was strange and maybe they were picking up on some sub-sonic, tectonic plate shifting out in the ocean. Within 15 minutes of stating that the ticker-feed on another channel showed that a 3.7 earthquake had been registered by seismologists in Death Valley earlier today (wed, 12-30-09). ???

  5. Nancy says:

    Love it – lotus position, alone on a mattress. That sort of says it all.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Comeuppance, for sure!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    too too funny!!!!

    ah, yes, the ways of karma!!! beautiful! hmmmm…and literal, in this case! love love this one!!!

  8. Josephine says:

    Well… that's sort of funny. 🙂

  9. lakeviewer says:

    So, he got his comeuppance? But he knew that; or should have known.

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