Sea Lions on Pier 39

  If you’ve ever been to San Francisco, then you undoubtedly stopped by Pier 39 to see the sea lions. When we were there several years ago, there were so many they were stacked three and four deep on the pier. In fact, last month (November 2009) scientists counted 1,500 sea lions on the pier, a record number since the sea lions first appeared 20 years ago and took over Pier 39. But the day after Thanksgiving, they left in droves and this month, there are between 10 and 40 sea lions left on the pier.

So where did they go? Why did they leave?

Scientists speculate they are following a food source. But as we’ve noted in previous posts, animals often act as oracles in predicting global events.   They are far more attuned to the environment than we are and there’s plenty of documented evidence about how animals have fled an area hours, days, even weeks before a disaster strikes.

Let’s hope their departure was attributable just to food. Besides, Pier 39 just won’t be the same without all the sea lions!

PS Musing egret left a comment about this story  under yesterday’s post without knowing we were going to post it today. She has additional information.

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13 Responses to Sea Lions on Pier 39

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Musing – thanks for the update! Hadn't heard this. Will check out the link and put up an update!

  2. musingegret says:

    Update: 6.5 earthquake off coast of Northern California at about 4:28 pm Local PST. See CNN ireport link:

  3. Toumai says:

    There could be many reasons why a steady food source would suddenly disappear. Butt since things feel just a little fishy, what with the synchronicity, let's speculate for a moment that some evolutionary mechanism at work in the fish has sent up a red flag to warn of disaster, such as a Tsunami.

    If I were a fish and my tsunami sense was tingling, I would head far away from shores, shallow bays and tidal rivers. Now if I were a sea lion, I would look to resettle on an island, on the sheltered side away from the open ocean and brute crushing force to come. Now as a human, I would keep my fingers crossed and head for the highest point of land the moment that leaders/experts tell us to do so. Butt I'm not so sure any more if that would be wise.

  4. ~ Tabitha ~ says:

    Pier 39 is a wonderful spot !
    I believe the sea lions know what they're doing and it's important for us humans to believe it could be one or the other reasons.The bottom line is we should always be prepared for a disaster and help take care of Mother Nature so creatures of all walks of life can continue to live freely with enough food as we do 😉

    Great post and happy new year!

  5. Jeff says:

    Yes, Toumai makes a good point. Maybe the question isn't where the sea lions went, but where the food source went. Or, perhaps more importantly, why did the food source leave?

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmm….word verification just now was COSCRO from which i saw SCORS [scores] …

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow! what an intriguing story! i also first thought of an earthquake and then the moon phase – but???

    can't wait for chapter two on this!

    exciting post!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Toumai – good point! Where'd the food source go?

  9. Lyn says:

    It definitely was lucky for me to find your blog..looking forward to many happy coincidences in the New Year!!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If this were fiction, the next chapter would include the report of entire neighborhoods mysteriously vacated.

    Ie. In spite of a thorough search of building and houses, only a few stray cats and dogs were found in San Francisco's Castro District this morning. Amid growing concerns, residents phoned and e-mailed missing residents. But so far no one had replied.

  11. Toumai says:

    For one, the sea lions food source are animals too. And the supply must have been steady enough to keep the colony around and prosperous for so long. So why would the fish have packed up and left?

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hope you're right, Jim!

  13. JBanholzer says:

    39 could be construed as triple-bad-luck (13 times 3).

    Perhaps, the sea lions were merely wary of how the Blue Moon affects the tide and will soon return.

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