Another synchro secret

Jeffrey Carr, author of Inside Cyber Warfare, has revealed another synchro secret, so to speak. Writing on his blog, Digital Dao, Carr suggests that the U.S. military fails to comprehend the true nature of the Internet, and as a result will lose a cyber war.

What makes Carr’s claim of interest and importance to us is that Carr suggests that synchronicity, not cause and effect, are at the heart of the Internet. It’s not about hardware, it’s about underlying patterns that exist outside of the everyday world of cause and effect. He goes on to compare the Internet to a divinatory system, such as the I Ching. Readers of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity might recall that divination is the most tangible way to engage in synchronicity.

Carr writes: “Unfortunately for Western nations, synchronicity has its origins in the East. Western nations have a tradition in causality, not synchronicity. And the US Defense Department is deeply grounded in traditional western thinking and practicality. The decision to call cyberspace a domain was based on organizational necessity. That’s how the Defence Department is set up. It’s how budgets are created and funds distributed. It’s how contracts get assigned. Simply put, it’s how things get done at the Pentagon. This is why the United States will lose a war fought in cyberspace. A strategic doctrine built upon a flawed vision can’t yield a victory against an adversary whose knowledge of the battle space is superior to our own.”

It appears synchronicity has become the new Matrix. So we can expect to see the emergence of the synchro warrior in coming cyber wars. (This is all science fiction, right? Hmm, maybe NOT.) – R

Why US Will Lose a Cyber War

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14 Responses to Another synchro secret

  1. Natalie says:

    LOL @ Connie! and please move over or save me a seat. 🙂

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    I vote for not only leaving the country, but catching the first space flight off the planet!! Destination Unknown, but gotta be better than this! Beam me up, Scotty!

  3. Just like to say that Rick isn’t a relative!!

    I doubt that the military themselves do realise the true nature of the Internet – but I bet that there are links to their ‘organisation’ that do.

  4. gypsy says:

    i can’t even comment on perry – i simply don’t want to pass on my dark negativity about him and/or burden others with my sarcasm and/or bad jokes [true, but bad] – but i’ve read and heard enough of him for a very long time to be more than a little concerned – and this thing with china ………but, i checked out the job description for the Chief Information Security Office that the texas chief information officer has posted – not much needed for that one – most any good ‘ole boy straight off the ranch qualifies – as a matter of fact, you don’t even have to be ranch-knowledgeable – ok – i digress – such a scary state of affairs in the most literal sense – great post, you two –

  5. I experience synchronicities on the Internet on almost a daily basis and especially on this blog.

    About the 2012 election – Obama looks he will have a tough time winning a second term but Bachman and Rick Perry are very scary alternatives. I’m intrigued by Huntsman who seems to be not getting any where. He is for cutting military spending and I love it that he speaks fluent Mandarin. How cool would that be for a president who could actually TALK to the Chinese!

  6. Darren B says:

    I notice my birth-date is on the “Suits and Spooks” poster (Sept 23) . I was also born in ’64 ,and the I Ching has 64 hexagrams,which is a bit of a synchro (for me,anyway) .
    So I guess that means the above poster must have been printed in China .-)

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