

No telling what this thing actually is – a special effect, some weird anomaly. But the video is great fun to watch!


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17 Responses to Cloud?

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    Ahhhh. I look forward to the comments from the gang here about the ghost photos. We’ve picked them apart and had a couple of older photogs check them out. They can’t discredit them or demonstrate any kind of photo-shopping, and there wasn’t any. Kenny is such a powerful medium, and no matter what kind of cameras he uses, even throw-away disposable ones, he gets orbs and spooks constantly. It presents problems for him when he covers a wedding or celebrations, (his avocation is photography) because then he has to do “reverse-photoshopping” to take out the orbs and spooks!! There have been shows on TV’s GHOST HUNTER about these buildings where Kenny took the pics. They’re definitely haunted. And the “cold spots” are weird, espciaslly in no AC buildings when the heat index in them hits about 120 degrees, then you step into a cold spot where the temp drops to chilly, no windows, no doors, fans or drafts. Cool stuff. We’re used to it but it still is exciting to know there are discarnates hanging around! Of course, in an 1800s jail, who knows what kinds of spooks these may be! Woo-woooooooooooo……………….

  2. mathaddict3322 says:

    Smile is on his face as he looks at the camera and motions with his hand like “come on”. Also, what are the pale pink squares inside the blob? Not sure where Terri is coming from? I personally think the blob is just a hoax of some kind. It looks rather like foam….not foam rubber, but the kind of foam that goes in packing boxes; the kind that makes “popcorn” for packages, or even insulating foam that is “blown” from machines into attics and between walls. There is something else that looks EXACTLY like this. It’s a new kind of Christmas “angel hair” that can be purchased in big packages during the holidays. That pink tinge in it makes me think of the angel hair because that stuff has colors in it when the sun or light touches it in certain ways. I’m sure it comes from the factories in bulk like this blob before they make it into smaller amounts. And it doesn’t cut the skin like old angel hair used to do. And, who the heck knows what drops from the skies out of the millions of aircraft flying overhead?? We’ll never know, I guess. However, my son has recently captured some images on camera that are absolutely not hoaxes even though the skeptics would be prone to rip the pics to shreds. Be that as it may, we must all be diligent and perhaps all have at least a bit of healthy skepticism because there are a lot of frauds out there trying to fool folks. This one is a fun puzzle!

  3. Definitely in the weird category! Almost like soap suds. It looked like he knew he could push his arm into it – makes me therefore think he knows what it is.

  4. Natalie says:

    I didn’t watch all of it. ;/

  5. This is not something I would promote. It plays on fears and superstitious and trick photography. While it’s cool to watch and has good music, if it’s to promote a message I have no clue what it is and would consider it a yucky one.

    But – a ton of good comes out of yucky messages. Few can look at a field and discern the wheat from the chaff. Even less consider wheat can be poison for some. I know some amazing humans who are wheat farmers and my sister is gluten intolerant.

    This video reminded me that there is a specific difference between good technology and a mystical experience. Thanks!

  6. Natalie says:

    I thought i actually saw someone inside of it at the beginning when the cloud stands up. If you look closely when the man walks away, there seems to be a person to the left of the hole he made.

  7. gypsy says:

    ok – it got my attention – very weird – now, if he had just stepped totally inside it!

  8. D Page says:

    Knowing about chem trails & what has been found in them, I wouldn’t be touching it. Unless I knew where it came from.

  9. Nancy says:

    It looks like soap. A big soap bubble.

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