Dad, Mom, and their connection

 (The image is from soul cards. Check out the site. The art and the technique are astonishing).

 This synchronicity came from Sandie of Marietta, Georgia, who describes herself as a “hopeless romantic who tries to see the world through rose-colored glasses.” It illustrates the powerful emotional connections that exist among people even when they have been divorced for decades.

My parents married 11/22/1941.  They divorced 7/5/1975.  My dad (1918) lived in LA and my mom (1919) lived here in Georgia.  My dad wanted the divorce to remarry, my mom always loved him.
In January my mother was taken to hospice and on January 30th around 7:30pm here in Georgia – she died.  We were still in her room and I received a call that my father – in LA – had just died suddenly from a heart attack, ten minutes earlier than my mother.
When my mom died – she had been in a coma – she opened her eyes and looked at Kristie (niece), Kelly (daughter) and me – and then held her hand upwards for someone to take her.  I think of course it was God – but hope it was my dad too.
What are the odds of that?
In a followup email, we asked Sandie if her parents had been in contact very much during the years since their divorce. She said they  came together when her brother died in 1997, but otherwise their contact was periodic. I’ve heard other stories like this and always wonder if agreements are made at some deep psychic level that one person will pass on first so he/she will be there  to greet the other when they die.

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9 Responses to Dad, Mom, and their connection

  1. Chatty Crone says:

    Thanks and I spelled information wrong! oops.

  2. Chatty Crone says:

    PS Could I ask if you would take my last name out of the blog inforamtion – just for the sake of privacy – with that last name – everyone can find me! Thanks – some interesting comments.


  3. Chatty Crone says:

    Nancy, my mom died after being in a coma – she awoke – out her hands out – as to go to God or nmy dad – and she died.

    They died in 2003 – 7 years tomorrow.


  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the insights, Theresa. Very intriguing numbers, for sure.

  5. therese says:

    If these deaths took place in 2009, the numerology potential is even more significant.

    These are amazing lives – lived – and added to the collective unconscious we all share, and makes us all so much greater than we perceive.

    Go forth and be happy.

  6. therese says:

    Holy S..t! This is a story I feel compelled to say – a YEAH! – a DUH!!

    Married 11/22/41.

    11 and 22 are master numbers. So yes, I will say the marriage was a soul mate agreement. It was also 13 days before Pearl Harbor on 12/7/41 which changed a lot of things on a global level.

    This couple was married 34 years before their divorce on 7/5/75 and that combination of numbers is huge. If we consider a year to create the divorce – 33 years years of marriage. Then both died on Jan 30th, 2008 – 33 years after their divorce. 33 years is also a master number.
    (I'm assuming this amazing death connection was in 2008)

    This is an important example that what we think a soul mate agreement may be, could be much grander and more significant than we can imagine. Every day of the live of these two people was important – as is every day of every soul on this planet.

    Yet, most lives are still relegated to birth, a marriage, a death, or even a career. We are all so much more that a few dates or issues of what we do. God is there every single day.

    My advice to Sandie Czosek is to keep those hopeless romantic rose-colored glasses firmly on her face. That view is awesome and your parents wanted you to see life that way.

    What are the odds that someone would say that to you?

  7. Nancy says:

    This story reminds me of my aunt when she died. She hadn't spoken for weeks, in a deep coma, when all of a sudden she sat upright, arms extended with a beautiful smile and called out to her grandfather. She died soon after. I always wondered why her grandfather and not my father, her brother, who had died four years earlier, as they were very close. Then I was told that my great-grandfather had 11 grandchildren and only one was a girl. She had been his favorite.

  8. Shadow says:

    this gave me goosebumps…

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautifully poignant story – reminds me of the anniversary death stories we all have heard – where one person dies on the death anniversary of a loved one – great post! absolutely love the image!

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