Category Archives: parents

The Muse

Back in the mid-1970s, I worked as a librarian and Spanish teacher at a juvenile detention facility – that’s a sanitized phrase for a prison. It was supposed to be a place for male juvenile offenders, but we had a … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, Edna Hibel, muse, parents | Tagged , | 13 Comments

Synchro at the Apple Store

                                         Manhattan’s Apple Store We went to the Apple Store at our local mall (not the one in the photo!) to look at the new MacBooks. … Continue reading

Posted in apple store, deaths, local travel, parents | 14 Comments

Magic Child

from soul cards   This synchro-tale was a comment under our recent post God’s Eye. It comes from Debra Page at mythic musing and refers to her daughter Laryssa, the magical child in the title, who died when she was … Continue reading

Posted in children, laryssa, parents | 12 Comments

The Geese and the Grave

We’ve posted a number of synchronicities about animals as messengers. The next story involves a pair of Canada geese and was sent by Phillip and Maureen  of Atlanta. It’s a stunning example of how we all are intimately connected – … Continue reading

Posted in animals as messengers, canada geese, parents | 11 Comments

Parent Radar

Not to be confused with parent controls on televisions, parent radar is the psychic detection of dangers related to their children. A few examples follow. Maybe some of you have had similar experiences with your children. Jane Clifford of Wales … Continue reading

Posted in kids, parents | 10 Comments

Dad, Mom, and their connection

 (The image is from soul cards. Check out the site. The art and the technique are astonishing).  This synchronicity came from Sandie of Marietta, Georgia, who describes herself as a “hopeless romantic who tries to see the world through rose-colored … Continue reading

Posted in death, parents | 9 Comments