Power up


Philip Merry, author of 9 Keys of Synchronicity, has been conducting workshops in Singapore, where he lives, on Practical Synchronicity. His technique is designed to help clients develop their synchronicity skills. Here’s a story from Dr. Lakshmi Ramachandran, PhD.

She’s a Science Leadership Coach, developing effective future leaders in science and technology. She has 20 years of experience in science as a researcher, communicator, administrator and is an ICF and Belbin certified coach. She’s a specialist in empowering women in science.

“To develop my ideas I choose to withdraw from the external world and do a lot of reflection. I was fortunate to receive a signed copy of “The 9 Keys of Synchronicity” that aided my reflection.

“ A definition of synchronicity that I connect with in Philip’s book is ‘when an event happens to a person in a ‘non-causal’ (no logical cause) way and has meaning for the person in that it gives an answer to an issue the person is facing at that time. It’s often accompanied by intuition.

“So I was constantly asking myself this question: What do I need to know about myself/ this situation?  Yesterday morning, this thought occurred to me that these situations are making me ‘Power up from within’.

“ I am speaking up more, letting go more often than before, and I’m much more focused in my goals. I realized that POWER UP FROM WITHIN is the perfect title for my next Keynote speech that I’m writing.

“As I was walking into the building where my morning lecture was scheduled, I saw Subway add that read, ‘POWER UP FROM WITHIN,’ a clear affirmation that I needed.”

Her email if you’d like to contact her.


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