November 8

For months now, any thought of the midterm elections has left me feeling anxious and angry. How is it that a minority – white Christian Nationalists and their sympathizers, the election deniers and trump worshippers – is  now trying to dictate the majority?

The corrupt supreme court stripped women of their right to an abortion. It’s not about fetal heartbeats or the alleged personhood of fetuses. It’s about men controlling women and their health care. How can Alito’s wife even  stand the sight of him?

Thanks to the extraordinary work of the J6 committee, it’s now obvious that trump orchestrated the Jan 6 insurrection and intended it to end in a coup. Yeah, banana republic style. He didn’t succeed, but apparently hopes to give it another try in 2024.
Garland, I’m sure, has enough airtight evidence now to indict trump today. Oct. 17. Why is he supposedly waiting until after the election? Why adhere to any of the old norms when trump’s four years shattered most of them?

Which brings us to election day, November 8. As one astrologer said, “Why does it seem that every major U.S. general election lately coincides with a clusterf#ck of intense, confusing astro energies? The presidential election of 2020 will seem like a streamlined, shining example of seamless democratic progress compared to the doozy of a midterm…”


Well, on November 8, there’s a lunar eclipse in Taurus. It’s conjunct Uranus, the planet of sudden, unexpected events. Saturn in Aquarius squares Venus, Mercury, and the sun in scorpio. Mars is retrograde in Gemini. What does it all means? Chaos. Bedlam. A shit show.
Or, as this same astrologer – Michelle Perrin, writing in Llewellyn’s 2022 Daily Planet Guide writes,“Surprise upsets are featured, along with secretive machinations and backroom alliances, all of which could threaten to upset the stability of the democratic system. Confusion abounds, and with Mars retrograde, no one is really willing to step in, take charge, and pick up the pieces. This bewildering situation continues on Wednesday and Thursday… There could be longstanding shady dealings lingering in the background that threaten to blow the whole thing up.”

We have become a country of US against THEM. Did you hear or read trump’s recent anti-semetic rant? Or how about his remarks after Charlottesville? You know, good people on both sides? US against THEM. Black and white, right and left, jew and christian, there has to be an OTHER bad guy, different-looking.

The repugs stand for oppression. Look at  what Ron DeSantis is doing to Florida public education. Banning books. Signing Don’t say gay bills. Trying to act like he knows what he’s doing in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. He’s another wannabe autocrat like trump. Do what I say…

299 election deniers are running for office in these midterms. If even a fraction of them get in – as secretaries of state, governors, as senators – then we can expect more  chaos, more rebellion, more insurrections, more election deniers. The pathetic truth is that repugs can’t win popular elections. They bank on the electoral college, which should be abolished for the antiquated postscript that it is.

Think of the world’s most repressive regimes now. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudi Arabia…those are the ones that leap immediately into my head. That’s only a fraction. Living in any of those countries, as a woman…no thanks. I’d rather be dead.

But that’s where this country is headed if the repugs seize control. Under them, climate change will progress until much of the country is uninhabitable. Grocery shelves will be bare more often. Food may become scarce. Government will intrude more deeply into our personal lives. Who you marry, who you love, where you can travel to and where you can live.

Repugs are being quite open about their agenda if they win back the house or senate or both. Get ride of Social Security and Medicare. Impeach Biden. Investigate the J6 group. Undo everything Biden has accomplished. Silly Kevin McCarthy apparently plans to put Marjorie Taylor Green in some important position if repugs win and he becomes majority leader. McCarthy, the guy who initiallylcondemned trump for the insurrection, then flew to Florida to kneel before his king – trump.

Under the extreme right, we’ll be living how Venezuelans live now under the Maduro regime. How Chileans lived under Pinochet. How Cubans have lived since 1959. How Italians lived under Mussolini, how Spaniards lived under Franco, how Germans lived under Hitler. How North Koreans live under Kim Jong-un. How Saudis live under MBS.

Fun, huh?

So vote BLUE.


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