10 Billion Beats


10 Billion Beats is an intention experiment that will occur on Friday, September 17, 2010 at 7 PM. The idea is to send a wave of sound, through drumming, around the world, to connect people and promote peace and goodwill.  In light of the quake in Haiti, and all the other stuff going on worldwide, this certainly sounds promising. From their website:

“This is a Global Experiment that will use drumming to focus a collective positive intention, then send it around the world in a continous wave to improve our relationship with each other, and with a living planet upon which we live, breath, and have our being. 10 Billion Beats started in Sept. 2009. It grew and grew until nearly 200,000 people participated around the globe. In 2010 the grassroots movement will be even bigger and we invite you to be a part of it.”

The message: Peace TO Earth, Goodwill ON  Humankind.

Let’s all participate!

Thanks to Gypsy Woman for bringing this to our attention.

Here’s the You Tube video of drumming that the site recommends people watch:

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10 Responses to 10 Billion Beats

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure any kind of drum is fine – even spoons on a table! What a title – POW/MIA.

  2. Lyn says:

    Just jotted this event down in my date book.. can I use a large hatbox that looks like a drum?
    Now a notation in the book for the date says National POW/MIA Recognition Day. Isn't that something?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We'll be sure to put up a reminder. Am marking it on my calendar right now.

  4. Naveed says:

    I was just thinking buying bongos or some similar instrument sometime in the next couple weeks today. Then I read this post and now I have an excellent reason to get some for more then just fun. Not to mention it's also a tidbit synchronistic…I'm in as long as I can remember the date lol.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love that wf, musing. Don't have any idea what a djembe drum is, so off to look that up!

  6. musingegret says:

    My sweetie purchased a djembe drum before the holidays so we'll definitely be drumming on said date. Thank you Gypsywoman for the eye-opening!


    wv: fortiona (fortuitous information?)

  7. Nancy says:

    I'm on it! I'm going to try to be with my children on this date. They have several drums so it should be inspirational. My grandson will love it!

  8. Jeninacide says:

    This sounds so cool! I literally just marked this on my calendar, and as I was scrolling through to get to September my mouse automatically highlighted the 17th before I had even had a chance to concentrate on the dates! Wow!

  9. Shadow says:

    please remind us again closer to the time??? sounds like a nice concept!

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    perfect timing for the perfect message!

    last year, i participated with my two little grandchildren here [then ages 3-1/2 and 5-1/2] – we sat around the circular dining table and drummed with wooden spoons – don't know if our instruments were on point but they were what we had – it was beautiful – and very moving nevertheless! i encourage everyone to participate this year!!! see you there!

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