Avatar, Optical Illusions, and Doggie Synchronicities

We went to see Avatar today (January 9) in 3D. It’s a classic hero epic, but rendered in such dazzling colors and spectacular three dimensional effects that it bombards the senses. At some points, you’re so inside the movie that you flinch when something flies at you.

On the way home, we were talking about the movie, how some of the effects were like optical illusions. Rob said, “Hey, remember that book  we used to have on optical illusions?” I did remember, but neither of us had seen it for awhile.

 We we get into the house where our dog, Noah, has been alone for more than three hours. This sometimes means we find bits and pieces of whatever he has been chewing on – fortunately, none of those pieces include our three cats!  Today, just inside the utility room door, is one of the objects Noah dragged into the front of the house and tried to chew on:

Finding a particular book in our house is not an easy task. We probaby have several thousand. So how did Noah find the one book we were talking about?

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17 Responses to Avatar, Optical Illusions, and Doggie Synchronicities

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, noah! you're such a go-getter!!!

  2. Marius Morar says:

    Extraordinary story

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Noah likes to sneak into Megan's room and pick out little treasures. The other day we saw she had something in her mouth as she walked into the kitchen. I said, "Trish, what's he got now?"

    She caught his collar, reached into his jaw and fished out a little wooden dog…and wouldn't you, it was a golden retriever, just like him. Noah had to dig deep into Megan's closet to come up with that childhood toy.

  4. Shadow says:

    noah was just trying to help you… amazing!

  5. Marie Mc Neill says:

    Well done Noah!

    Your pets are the most physically attuned to you of all the animals in your life and the closer you are to them the more obvious that connection is.
    All creation is intimately & completely interconnected, well all creation is one really, we are all one, human, animal, plant, pet and wild creature. This is how I see Synchronicity, because we are one, all works together, alll the time, when we see it and recognise it we go Synchronicity! But it is always there, it is how things get done:)
    Went to see Avatar before Christmas with my 11 yr old son Peter, we loved it too and felt it put across very well by not very subtle metaphor that we were all once very like the Na vi and can be again or we'll be in really big trouble:)
    Love this blog, well done Guys! A pleasure always to read:)

  6. therese says:

    We saw the movie Avatar tonight and both agreed it was the best story we had seen on the screen in a long time. Neither of us felt it was too long, both of us were totally impressed though had no doubt about the ending. Living the experience of the movie was awesome.

    The message of this movie to me isn't a debate between greed and green, it's a celebration of what technology can now create for the masses. We are presented a world so awesome we want to live there. A world within our imagination where conflict and challenge exist within freedom and connection to the global balance of energy and life.

    All we need is to be open to learning new truths and embrace experiences without fear.

    Is the optical illusion the one we see when awake or the one we experience in dreams?

  7. Gemel says:

    I cried just about through the whole movie, I felt more at there than I do on Earth, the movie refected my own views on humanity with its needless greed and destruction, I trust millions hear the message

    As for the book, well life full of such wonderful moments when one is living from the heart and in the Now……….

  8. staceyjwarner says:

    loved he knew what you needed and provided…

    much love

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ah, Noah. Today he spent the day at the neighbor's so we could go to the Highland (Scottish) games in Orlando. He did well! We'll have to ask him if he wants to see Avatar!

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…well, you know, there is a reason you all chose him to be part of your family – he really is "one of you all" – neat – and poignant – post!

  11. Vanessa says:

    OMG! That's a good one. Maybe Noah wanted to see the movie too. 🙂

  12. Nancy says:

    Noah finding the book is amazing! I think he's psychic. It reminds me of that book that keeps falling out of the bookshelf while shopping for another book. The last time it happened to me, the book fell out three times before I finally gave in. It was The Four Agreements.

  13. maggie's garden says:

    I think our books are taking on a life of their own. Popping out, and making us take notice…hehe! You have one smart dog there!

  14. Mike Perry says:

    Interesting story about your dog and the book. But that's animals for you. They seem to be able to pick up on all sorts of things – and sometimes the coincidences prove meaningful.

  15. Adele Aldridge says:

    I love this story about your dog and finding the exact right book. Animals are amazing. I have cats who most of the time pretend not to understand English. But they understand more than language – that is, when they feel like it.

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The movie is amazing, especially in 3D.

  17. Gail says:

    Wow! I saw Avatar on a magazine cover and the art is amazing.

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