The Deeper Meaning of Things

Most of us have experienced them – odd coincidences that seem like weird little hiccups in the cosmos.They usually grab our attention. But what, exactly, do they mean?

While we were writing our outline for a book on synchronicity, we stopped at our favorite cafe for a hit of morning Joe. As we sat outside, an elderly man approached us and handed us his card. It explained that he was deaf and was selling key chains. We bought one and on the back of the card found illustrations for sign language. On the way home, following the cue from the deaf man,we talked about synchronicity as a language of signs. Then we passed the local high school, where the digital sign at the entrance was announcing a class in sign language. This sign about sign language added a deeper layer to the synchronicity.

Initially, its meaning seemed to be that we were on the right track with our concept – approaching synchronicity as a language of signs. The next day, a writer friend e-mailed a synchronicity she’d experienced while working on her current novel. She said she had invited readers of her blog to submit any synchronicities they would like to share for inclusion in the book. So we decided to start this blog, a kind of digital sign announcing that we would love to hear your stories!

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11 Responses to The Deeper Meaning of Things

  1. Pierre du Toit says:

    Greetings from South Africa

    Have had quite a few miraculous experiences of synchronicity in my life lately. Great blog you guys have!!

    My Blogspot:

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vaughn – most intriguing! The encounters are obviously meaningful and synchronistic! Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

  3. Vaughn Aloysius Perpetuo Dourado says:

    I've lived in London for over 10 years, so know many people.

    Having returned from abroad, I've been bumping into people on a frequent basis(over 12 times in 6 months). The people I've been bumping into haven't been acquaintances, they've been people who are important in my life. One incident was a guy who I wanted to get back in contact with, 2 days later I was walking beside him on the London Underground.
    Yesterday, I bumped into my manager who I've known for 3 weeks(over the last few days I've been considering whether I should continue volunteering for her org).

    All incidences have had a bearing on my life. Sometimes I wonder whether I do physically exist. I guess is because the lack of logic I have to explain these extraordinary events.

  4. teapotshappen says:

    Synchronicity, language of signs … sometimes rather literally:


  5. Planners says:

    Very thoughtfull post on the deeper meaning of things . It should be very much helpfull.

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  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, Kathleen! Thanks….

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is my first blog experience so please bear with me.I am a firm believer in there being no such thing as coincidence. A few years ago I had a dream about a young woman with a daughter named Chelsea. The young woman was fighting an attacker (a man in uniform ) off in her bedroom while her daughter ( in the living room ) was hiding. The daughter was able to run outside and was calling out the name Jason to help them. I woke up and could not get the dream out of my mind.
    At work the next day I kept having an urge I could not shake off that I needed to tell one of my co-worker about the dream. This worker was not one to believe in the unusual but afer much hesitation I told her of the dream. She was very quite so I wasn’t sure what to think but let it go for the day.
    The next day this co-worker came to me and told me that her baby sitter, whom I had never met, feels I may have averted an attack by a man who was responsible for reviews on her husband who is in the military. The officer had never requested to meet at her apartment before but she could not think of any reason to deny the request until my co-worker told her about my dream. It seems the babysitter’s daughter’s name is Chelsea and her husbands name is Jason.
    She called the review board back and advised them of the change in location requested and found out that this was strickly forbidden.
    It was later found out that this review agent had attacked others in the homes and he was brought up on charges.
    It was a wake up call to me to never hesitate to share infomation received reguardless of where it comes from and who may or may not believe you. It may be very important to someone and you maybe the only one able, at the time, to help them.

  8. whipwarrior says:

    The following is a list of uncanny coincidences that have permeated my life so far, proving that we live in a universe in which all things are connected in some inexplicable way, for reasons that I have yet to fathom.

    My name is Dale Edward Dassel Jr. I was born on January 19th, 1979 – exactly halfway between my mother’s birthday- January 15th (1958) and my father’s birthday- January 23rd (1956).

    A tradition of the initials DED exist on my dad’s side of the family, likely established by his father, Robert Edward Dassel. His four children (from oldest to youngest) are:

    Dawn Elaine Dassel

    Dale Edward Dassel (my dad)

    Dean Ellis Dassel

    Debbie Eileen Dassel

    My mother is Linda Elizabeth Dassel (maiden name Canady)

    My brother is Douglas Eric Dassel. His birthday, October 25th, is the same day that my grandma Canady died (October 25, 1999).

    My grandmother, Elka Rose Canady, also shared a middle name with my brother’s high-school girlfriend – Nancy Rose Bricker, whose given name was also that of grandpa Dassel’s wife- Nancy Thompson.

    All of my girlfriends were Pisces. Their birthdates varied by seven days:

    Krissy Lyn Salter was born on March 14th

    Jennifer Katherine Vitale was born on March 7th

    Cyndi Leigh White was born on March 1st, which is also the day that my grandpa Dassel died- March 1, 1999

    My wife picked out our wedding date to be March 25th because she wanted to get married in the spring. When I questioned her about the date, Cyndi replied that she just liked how the numbers looked. It was not until our rehearsal dinner, the night before the wedding, when it was mentioned that March 25th is also my parents’ anniversary. They were married on the same date in 1977!

    Krissy’s middle name is also the middle name of my wife’s (Cyndi) mother, Cynthia Lynn Dees. Krissy inherited Cyndi’s maiden name when she married- to become Krissy Lyn White.

    Krissy’s best friend in high school was Leigh Gosney, whose first name is also Cyndi’s middle name.

    During a baseball game when I was 7 years old, the tip of a yucca plant poked me in the right eye when I reached under it to field a ground ball. The injury produced a tiny dark red dot on my iris. Later, a faint red dot appeared on my left iris in the exact same spot- a mirror image of the first.

    My first car, a burgundy 1987 Volkswagen Golf (4-door automatic), was wrecked in an accident by my brother while I was out of town one summer. Anxious to replace the car before I returned, my parents found a 2-door automatic VW Golf of the exact same color and year- literally a week later! When that car finally quit, my third was a red 1997 VW Golf that I bought from my brother, who wanted to buy another Volkswagen.

    My birthday appears on-screen in two of my favorite movies. In The Time Machine, it can be seen during the second time-travel sequence as the brass display wheel rolls over from January 18th (actress Samantha Mumba’s birthday) to the 19th. In The Sixth Sense, it can be seen as the referral date atop Vincent Gray’s case report, read by Malcolm Crowe near the beginning of the film.

    My birthdate is also shared by fellow writer Edgar Allan Poe (whose work I greatly admire), born January 19, 1809.

  9. Sally says:

    Fascinating project! You two are so interesting. I hope to meet Rob some day.

  10. Nancy P says:

    Oooo, that ^^^ is lovely. Thanks, Anon, and DL.

  11. Anonymous says:

    “I am open to the guidance of synchronicity, and do not let expectations hinder my path.”
    Dalai Lama

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