Back to the basics

Some thoughts on synchronicity, and why we write this blog. Words borrowed, but sentiments familiar, thoughts that resonate.

“Everything that happens in our lives, whether positive or negative, can serve to awaken us to the nature of the world. But occasionally, events cluster in particular ways that give us a glimpse of the deeper structures of reality, and suggest that time and linear causality may not be the ultimate way in which the world is ordered.

“There are many possible responses to such happenings, which Jung called synchronicity. Some people give them a highly individualized meaning, finding guidance in a personal decision they are facing or confirmation of a direction they have already chosen. But perhaps the real meaning of synchronicity is more universal than personal, with every instance simply pointing to the possibility of a hidden pattern underlying the events of this world.

“Either way, these events offer us a certain reassurance, and they also have the power to awaken us. A common response to such an acausal happening is a sharpening of attention, a sense of the closeness of something unseen. Startled awake, we may listen for the direction in which the universe is moving, and discover a wish to participate in it.

“Synchronicity is always an experience of the unknown. Events … are simply a reminder to wake up and pay attention, because the mystery at the heart of life can speak to you at any time.” –  Rachel Naomi Remen 

“I am open to the guidance of synchronicity,
and do not let expectations hinder my path.” – Dalai Lama 

“In shamanistic cultures, synchronicities are considered to be teachings as well as sign indicating where one should focus one’s attention, such correspondences demonstrate the usually hidden links between the individual psyche and the larger world. Synchronicities express themselves through chance meetings and natural events as well as in dreams and supernatural episodes.” – 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, Daniel Pinchbeck 

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8 Responses to Back to the basics

  1. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    "Wake up and pay attention" – how right that is. It's so easy – and less effort – to fall 'asleep'.


  2. therese says:

    Good day to post the basics again!

    Today was a numerical energy of 1-2-3- GO!

    I feel like a kid lined up with my friends at an imaginary line, waiting for the someone to say, 1-2-3- GO! And we race for the ice cream of our choice!

  3. Gemel says:

    Love this post, I love the fact we can all share our thoughts through our blogs, especially when our thoughts and views are the same, it calms the soul and makes one feel less alone in their search for oneness…

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think we each have particular gifts – some like Nancy see patterns in people. Others see patterns in words. Or in cards or in the flights of birds. And it all seems like synchronicity to me.

  5. Nancy says:

    "pointing to the possibility of a hidden pattern underlying the events of this world."

    I have always said that if I was to have a gift at all it would be the abiltiy to see patterns in people. Maybe what I'm sensing is the "hidden pattern underlying the events of this world." I've always told people I see patterns, ususally in subtleties in people's personalities and actions.

    This explanation makes total sense to me. I love it when something I can't wrap my mind around completely is explained on your blog. Thanks for that.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oops – forgot to mention – love the great image!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    a great great concise reminder/refresher to us all about ourselves individually and ourselves collectively and the universe around us and in us – and this dalai lama quote is one of my all time favorites –

    wv=vendep=deep-need-or neve which is the hebrew word for oasis

  8. Shadow says:

    i'm with rachel… it awakens us, makes us more aware, to take notice of what is around. and, maybe even guide us…

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