Dad Speaks

Mike Perry posted this story  on his synchronicity blog and kindly allowed us to repost it. It’s another instance of  how our emotions and synchronicities are intimately connected.  His blog features terrific stories and  theories about synchronicity.

This is about a personal coincidence I mentioned in my post The Beginnings Of My Interest In Coincidences.

Thinking about this today perhaps it doesn’t sound such a big deal but, at the time, it affected me greatly and still intrigues me now.

My son had just told us that he had qualified as a Chartered Accountant, which takes quite a few years work here in the UK. I was, of course, chuffed to bits about this and, after talking about it with my wife, I went upstairs to our bedroom.

I wanted to get something or other out of my wardrobe and, for some reason, I was wondering what my father, now deceased, would have thought about my son’s success. As I reached into the wardrobe a small bag fell out.

The bag just happened to be one in which I kept a few of my dad’s possessions. Nothing of value but they all mean something to me: his old watch, cigarette case, penknife, wedding ring, darts, a tie and a few other trinkets all full of memories.

I then looked at the watch. Dad was always one for punctuality and often asked, “Do you know what time it is?” when I was a teenager either arriving home at night or getting up late in the morning. Then I noticed the time where the hands of the watch had stopped and have remained ever since.

The time on the watch was exactly the time that my son had been born (3.20pm).

Perhaps I was in an emotional state but this really hit me. It was as if it was a message from my father saying he knew all about his grandson.

Okay, this may sound very fanciful but what are the odds of the watch stopping exactly at the time of my son’s birth? Plus the bag fell out of the wardrobe ‘by itself’.

Anyway, that was one of the first things that got me paying attention to coincidences and synchronicity. They have fascinated me ever since.

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10 Responses to Dad Speaks

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Funny word verfication on that one! one – a BIG!

    I don't think they have to manipulate anything to figure out the response. All they have to do is look at our history with war.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If a UFO landed in the driveway of a skeptic, would the skeptic's belief system be immediately changed?

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story about your son, Autumn! Toumai – I never discount telekinesis or some other force. Then again, maybe it's like those scenes in the movie Ghost, where Swayze worked to impact physical matter.

  4. Autumnforest says:

    I love those amazingly poignant things that occur as if everything came together to prove a point. My son was at college yesterday and found out the class was full and the teacher wouldn't take anymore students. To graduate, he needs a credit in this area of study, so he had to to the advising building. As he approached it, there was a rain that grew heavier and heavier. Looking at the easy entrance he usually takes, it was filled with water and he knew his sneakers would get soaked and he'd track mud into the building. He has a strong conscience and couldn't do it, so he risked soaking himself more and going around the back way which is not an easy passage. He went into the back entrance and immediately saw an old professor. The man asked how he was doing and he told him about his dilemma. The professor then offered an independent study class with him on the subject with one major project to be achieved by the end of the semester and shown to his class in a similar subject. Had my son not had the conscience to not track mud into the building and make it slick for other students, he wouldn't have run into the professor who offered him this option. Call it synchronicity, but it could also be called Karma.

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Thank you for publishing the story – appreciated.

  6. Lyn says:

    Lovely..your Dad just saying "hello" with signs that only you would know..My Mom (deceased) greets me regularly, she keeps me from falling, when I'm tipping over, a little miracle happens..thanks, Mom!

  7. staceyjwarner says:

    Great story, I love those who have passed on, they keep things interesting and magical for us still in the manifest.

    much love

  8. Nancy says:

    Good one! There are no coincidences.

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    beautifully poignant story – and no coincidence at all – but a loving message!

  10. Shadow says:

    how very meaningful. it has to be…

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